Timeline window doesn't tab properly (4.12)
Hello. I'm doing animations in 4.12 and I used to like fitting the timeline as a tab on the left, next to things like Smart Content, Render Settings, etc. And in the past it would function and display like a normal tab, freeing me to shift between them quickly.
Since 4.12 that is no longer the case. Whenever I try to put the Timline window into my left tabs, it doesn't become a part, it just takes over. Meaning I can't get to my Smart Content or Render Settings unless I close the Timeline Window, and if I want to work on an animation, I have to go back and forth, opening and closing the Timeline window, instead of just having it as a tab like before. It looks like the tabs are pushed out of reach when I try to put the Timeline window to the left.
Is there a fix? Thank you.
Would you post a screen shot - I'm having trouble visualising what you describe.