Just installed Carrara, can't export, doesn't showup in daz studio Solved

Okay I just installed Carrara a few days ago. I can't export to carrara from daz studio. And the export is greyed out in Carrara, I have older copies of bryce and hexagon on this computer but something seems wrong. Carrara says I haven't registered it yet, but I'm not sure if I will be reinstalling stuff anyway. I wanted to see if I could export one of the scenes to daz studio and that isn't happening. Help!
Post edited by RitaCeleste on
Okay, I've been reading. Okay I wanted to export a landscape. It makes sense that this would not work. But the export function is greyed out. Also in Daz Studio I have options to send things to bryce and hexagon but not to Carrara. Is this all just perfectly normal or is some bridge or feature not installed in one or both of the programs? I vaguely remember telling something not to look at Carrara stuff because I didn't have it at the time, did I set something up wrong? Or is this all perfectly normal?
When I select the terrain or the infinite plane I am given the option of exporting and saving in a different format. Is this how you do it? Save it a daz studio file and open it in daz studio? Sorry, completely new to Carrara.
The Hex bridge for Studio is to aid in modeling in Hex, and rigging in Studio I believe. The bridge to Bryce is mostly one way: From Studio to Bryce. There are functions Bryce has that Studio just can't do. The same with Carrara. There are things Carrara can do that Studio can't. There are also things that Studio can do that Bryce and Carrara can't do, such as Optitex dynamic cloth in Carrara and Bryce as an example. The bridge to Bryce is to use Poser and Studio content within Bryce. Carrara needs no such bridge as it can use Poser content natively and Studio scenes can be imported into Carrara using .duf. I'm not sure it goes the other way.
I mentioned some things that Carrara can do that Studio can't. These reasons in my opinion are why going from Carrara to Studio just wouldn't work that well. I'm sure there are other reasons as well, but I'm speaking as someone who tried Studio and Poser w-a-a-a-y back. Carrara has atmospheres, complex deformers, multiple tweener types for animations, effects such as dynamic hair, volumetric clouds, fire, fog and fountain primitives, two different physics systems, non-vertex modelers, such as terrain, Spline and Meta-balls, replicators, plant generator, etc. Many of these items are used to varying degrees by most Carrara artists without even thinking about it, so that if even one of the things I listed were to be in a scene to be opened in Studio, it wouldn't know what to do with it.
Aside from all that, Carrara's native renderer is faster to render and set up in my opinion. Plus, there's a plugin to use Luxrender and one on the way for Octane.
I'm not trashing Studio. It was meant as a hedge against Poser's demise a few years ago, so it's modeled more to be a Poser competitor. Carrara is more akin to a suite. It does have it's issues to be sure, but if you're feeling as if you're bumping up against the limits of what Studio can do for you, then Carrara may be able to take you to the next level. Just be aware that there will be a learning curve, but there are people here to help.
You can export individual items to use in Studio. It's not a specific Studio solution though. If there is an object you want to use in Studio, one of the best Export options is the .obj format. Studio should have no problems importing it.
I just looked at the grayed out export function. The reason is, you can't export a whole scene. You can export objects from the scene, but not the whole scene. A way around this is the group the objects in the scene together, select the group, and then export. You'll have many different options, but I did notice an option when saving to the .obj format, that you could save as a DAZ Studio Scene. I still use Carrara 7.2 Pro, so I don't know if that option is in C8.5.
Thanks! I was wondering if there was some kind of bridge to export a character from Daz Studio in Carrara but that cleared it up. You just save it and open it in Carrara without some kind of bridge. I see I should be just getting the characters ready in Daz Studio and putting them Carrara to render the scenes. I got Carrara on sale before I had planned on getting into it. I am new to Daz Studio too. It was just too great a deal to pass up. I haven't done much with Bryce either. I have bought some content but I have not invested in anything for creating scenes yet so Carrara on sale seemed like the answer to many prayers. I was worried about getting clothing to work so I was wondering about doing it backwards. But Wendy said you can save a morph for the clothes with collisions on and use that to fix poke through. I'm just going to have to work at learning to do that and using things in Carrara to create renders. Sorry about the stupid newbie questions today. Thanks everyone!
There were no stupid questions.
I should point out that if you use figures prior to Genesis, which use a different type of joint and weight mapping, you can load those without messing about in Studio at all.
I don't have any of the older models yet. I ended up buying M5 and V5 before I got Carrara, so I'm trying to get the hang of working with the Genesis and G2 stuff. I liked the way clothes worked on Genesis and G2 in Daz Studio. Its a tiny bit sad they don't work quiet the same in Carrara. I wanted to get down making shaders in Daz Studio and texture baking before I dived into Carrara. Now I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed at everything I want to learn.
I really can't help much with Genesis I'm afraid. If you have specific issues, you could start a thread or find one that already exists. There are also some very helpful resources posted as stickied threads at the top of the forum. Some of the topics covered include Genesis. Dartanbeck has done a really fine job of collecting information in the Carrara Information Manual thread with a linked list of topics.
Hi RitaCeleste
Just to add,..
The Infinite plane in Carrara, (and most other 3D programs) ,. is an effect. (not a real object that reaches to infinity)
So, exporting the infinite plane as an Object, will only give you a small flat object.
As Evilpoducer mentioned, you should load your Daz3D figures into Carrara, by using the Content browser, (pic)
If you only have G2 figures,. then .. As far as I'm aware,. these are not completely working in Carrara right now.
The Carrara developers spent over a year getting Genesis integrated with Carrara,.
then Daz decided to release Genesis 2,. which is apparently different.
If you have Daz Studio,. you can apparently Load the G2 figure,. then save it as a new figure in your DS library (with a new name), which should load and work better in carrara.
With Carrara,. you're not reliant on "content" .. unlike DS and Poser.
In Carrara, you can Model,. texture or 3D-Paint, add bones (rigging), Animate, and Render.
There are many tools and many options,. but you shouldn't try to learn everything at once,. take some time to explore what tools you have, and what they can do for you.
There's a very helpful group of people here, who use carrara everyday, and they've already gone through all of the "learning curve's" you're about to experience,. so,... feel free to ask any questions about how to do things.
Dartanbeck has compiles a bunch of useful information and helpful links to forum discussions
here's a few pages which may also help get you up and running.
Hope it helps :)
Thanks! It does help. I've been hiding from actually doing anything constructive today. So far I have the most things for Genesis. Today I was trying to sort out where I wanted to go with getting figures and if I wanted to try and use V4 textures on G2F. V4 isn't looking too bad right about now. If I could learn to model and texture I'd feel so much freer. I'm just going to devote some time to reading up on Carrara and trying basic things. But making my hair sounds really nice. Carrara just does so much!
I just can't see any Smart Content. I've got Daz Studio 4.9 showing content. I'm running on a mac. My Smart Content Browser in Carrara 8.5 has a list but no content in the window. The window is blank.
Any ideas?
HI RobertS :)
If the "Smart" content is showing up in Daz Studio,. then it should also be showing up in carrarar since they both access the same database,.
check that the Postgres and daz CMS are both running,.
I'm a windows user,. so,. not much help on mac for where programs or folders should go.
perhaps a friendly mac use will pop in to help.