Geo Select spreads
Hi, I got this problem, I clicked one time and then get the geo at a lot places selected.
Any idea why this happen?
I have this problem also at the Onesie in the Daz3d Store:
The used item now is a swimsuit, I wanted to adjust it with mesh grabber, but everything moves :(
Any idea how I can fix such problems? (if it is fixable IN Daz3d, because I use only daz3d)
Post edited by Loony on
I experienced the same on the Mercenary Vest (Dain 8 bundle). Polygon or Edge selection with Geometry Editor selects seemingly random locations, but Vertex mode seemed to work. Mesh grabber is random for all modes. After the Dain 8 uproar, I was too annoyed with everything to calmly write a help ticket, but now I think it is time to get this problem corrected, as it has come up again in more than one place. Which bathing suit was that? I do not have the Onesie.
Does it always select the same polygons if you click on any one of them?
Yes, for the Mercenary Outfit Vest, in Geometry Editor, clicking on any one polygon always highlights the same seemingly random polygons in the viewport. It might be a few polygons away, or it could be on the other side of the item. Sometimes there are 2 or 3 polygons highlighted. The Dropleg and the Scarf do the same.
Something I just discovered, changing the default Resolution Level to Base makes that effect go away. If you attempt to select a polygon, then set Base Resolution, the expected polygon becomes hightlighted. Selecting any more polys highlights what is selected. Changing to High Resolution, with the polygons still selected, "redistributes" the highlighted polygons to their previous wrong locations. In the Details tab, the Facet list and Vertex array for each do not change when switching Resolution Level.
Just to make things more interesting, leaving the Resolution Level at High, and setting View SubD Level to 0 also makes the problem go away. Not sure if that is functionally the same on the mesh.
The shirt, pants, watch and glasses are subdivided by default, but don't suffer from this problem. The boots, earpiece and gloves are not subdivided, and do not have the problem.
It does sound like some weirdness in the mesh throwing out the SubD - does leaving the resolution high and changing the SubD algorithm have an effect on the selection?
Yes! No change with Catmark or Bilinear, but it works properly with Loop and Catmull-Clark (Legacy). And it cures the Mesh Grabber, too.
Tried hiding a few polygons with Loop method, then changed to Catmark and the ones that were hidden reappeared, and their counterparts disappeared.
Might be worth reporting those items via a Technical Support ticket, though I'm not sure that kind of issue would be considered an actual bug.