"An error occurred" or Carrara crashes out when loading or fitting content

Hi everyone,

I haven't been around for ages and just recently got time again to create some 3D stuff.
I noticed that some content no longer really works properly. It either does not loads the textures and asks me where the textures are. Or it drops the error message "an error occurred" and nothing goes until I restart Carrara.
Or it simply poofs the whole program.

I had this with stuff I bought here at Daz and Xurge3D and Renderosity....
I am usuing still good old M4 since Carrara does not really support the latest Genesis and I totally utterly refuse to use Daz Studio and Poser...
The stuff used to work and not cause Carrara to throw a hissy fit.

Sickle Yield Rogue Armory - the large belt causes a total crash without any error message
Most of the Xurge 3D items like the Warlock caues an internal error or freeze Carrara 
Wilderlander for M4 I can't use the cloak :(

I reinstalled Carrara
I reinstalled the content

Any suggestions what else could be done to make it work with Carrara?
I usually load the runtimes into Carrara and add stuff from the content section.



  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,827

    Hello Rhian

    When I get an error has occurred I try doing a new scene.

    First I would load M4

    Then I would load the clothing into the scene, NOT onto M4

    Next I would fit the clothing to M4

    Seems to work better !

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    this seems to be gone from store  Wilderlander for M4  cant fins it

    sometimes an erc ur rigid groups can hiccup carrara

    its easier to delete parts of the files in dson editor, it can be done in notepad, but need to be careful not to leave a stray curly brace }

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,827
    edited April 2020

    X3D Fantasy Ranger M4

    Wildenlander M4

    Carrara Scene load.png
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    Carrara Scene load 2.png
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    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • Thank you all. I will try that.

    The problem here is the work I put into the character before adding any clothing.
    Usually I create the character first, with all the morphs, textures. When that is done, I save the character in a seperate file and then from there I create a clean scene where I start adding the cloth and gear.
    I am not certain if I just caught some bug in my character and I can't fit things on it anymore because of that.
    I just used the creature morph and morph ++ that came with the big M4 Bundle.


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  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622
    edited April 2020

    save uncompressed  enlightened

    also keep as small mergable scenes as anything over 4GB corrupts, information is not written after a certain line

    don't load more than needed as Carrara saves all the deltas etc complete so morphs++ don't load all just ones you need, creature morphs you need etc

    all pushes file sizes up

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622
    edited April 2020

    I decided to get in on the fun, but not tried reloading this monstrosity I put to gether at my own risk in one go

    Carrara native render, still trying to get Octane render to load it, think I am going to crash my Nvidia driver surprise

    fantasy group.jpg
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    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Hmm Not certain if maybe my library is corrupt by now.
    I loaded M4 into the scene next to my other character, and Carrara instantly crashed.
    When I have a blank scene with nothing in it... I can load M4 without any issues. So my guess is that something went rotten in the scene file.

    I will try to export my character in the nude as a carrara native format, without any scene stuff.

    The overall scene is around 800 MB, not compressed.But I save all internally as it otherwise creates a mess in my folders.

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  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622

    you can try selecting stuff and using the export option

    that way you can find what is giving you issues in the scene

    BTW my 7 characters all loaded fine into a new scene grouped individually with their clothes and exported as seperate car files

    I do this rather than try and load a whole scene too

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    you can try selecting stuff and using the export option

    that way you can find what is giving you issues in the scene

    BTW my 7 characters all loaded fine into a new scene grouped individually with their clothes and exported as seperate car files

    I do this rather than try and load a whole scene too


    does it save with the mimic work you done on it?

  • I usually keep scenes and characters separated.
    My workflow is usually like this:

    1. Create file with character without gear - morph, textures/shaders and hair only
    2. Create file in which my character has their gear and pose
    3. Create file with the scene, props and so on 
    4. Load up scene, import character(s) - tweak light & poses and positions - Render
    5. Save rendered image

    I try to always keep a clean character, without anything on them. But seems this time I messed probably up with one of the morphs. The textures are just normal textures with some carrara native shader tweaks.
    The morphs I use are the one that belong natively to M4 - the moprh++ and creature morphs you can buy here.

    I probably going to re-do him.


  • I wanted to Update :)

    It was something in the scene or the gear my character was set up with.
    I practically exported the character only with the morphs and textures and then imported him into a fresh blank scene.
    Now the crashes stopped so far.

    Whatever it was, I am glad I got rid of it :)

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    I admire your patience. :)

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622

    I admire your patience. :)

    all part of being Carrara users this heart

    though there are actual crashier programs out there too I won't name

  • I admire your patience. :)

    all part of being Carrara users this heart

    though there are actual crashier programs out there too I won't name

    So true :)

    Besides I am not ready to give up on Carrara yet. It is simply the best application for what I do :)

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