Help with a clean install...
Many years ago I used DAZ3D for some minor personal projects and I have had a few DAZ contents here and there. Today I uninstalled the old version and manually deleted all old files just so I have a clean install of the new DAZ3D. I have even de-activated my old DAZ3D Account and made a new one and signed in with my new accound upon installing and using the newer version. However, for some odd reason, my old files are still showing in the smart content browser and content library with <?> icon on them indicating missing contents. I do not need those anymore and I can't figure out why are they still showing after a clean fresh installation even with a different account!
Is there a way to have these missing files and directories removed? There are hundreds of them and annoying me. Please help!
Open the Content Library pane option menu (ht elined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab), select Content DB Maintenance, and check Reset Database - though be aware that that will also purge fiels you have saved yourself from the database (you can first use the Export User Data otpion, but that will export details of all files you've saved so might be a mixed blessing). Then either reisntall the content or just open the dialogue a second time and this time choose Reimport Metadata, then check the products and the user data as required in the next dialogue.
The database lives in the Content Cluster folder, set in Edit>Preferences (or Daz Studio>Preferences on a Mac) in the CMS Settings tab - there are other settings files in the same Daz 3D folder, so you may have sme unwanted legacy there too (e.g. custom actions, if you had created any).