Model not importing with Duf scene - bones do

Hya, just playing with that well known Carrara Plugin in Daz Studio and saving out a duf = but when I bring it into Carrara only t he bones come in.
When I load up Victoria 4 in Studio I ghet an error (?) message flashed on the screen that I cant read (too fast) - but she loads up okay.
Previous to that I was advised I didnt have my poser runtime setup properly in Studio - so I added my Carrara runtime to Studio (where I have m4 V4 etc.
I have been using Stuido 4.5 but in an attempt to get carraar smart content to work I reinstalled Studi0 4.1.
Thanks for help. Same thing happens in Studio 4.5 and 4.1
EDIT It happens with all figures!
Post edited by Headwax on
grab DS4.12 latest beta, it works fine with Carrara and you can have it as well as the release build
yours is a tad early pre postegresql which is likely the issue
Still keep it though as its great for duf exports of Optitex simulations esp if using a certain script
ah thanks Wendy. I was confused about studio versions - assumed 4.5 was later than 4.12 ... der
Yes I am using 4.12 - still no joy. I save a scene as a duf and all that comes in are the bones but no flesh - happens with v4 m4 fairy wings etc - havnt tried it with genesis
I have studio searching for all my content now , that shjould keep it busy for a year
Do you always save as a scene ? Have you tried saving as a Scene Subset to see what it will do ? I normally save my DAZ Studio items as Scene Subsets.
thanks I'll give that a go!
how are you loading V4 in DAZ studio
if that's giving the error message it might be a missing morph package ticked
are you ticking options or not
are you using LOD?
are you doing any conversions
she is legacy so should be saved as is not converted to weighmapping
Just wondering if you have two lots of Vicky installed and they are cross talking or something..
I had a similar problem once so now just load Vicky from the ds structure... if that makes sense
also the order you have your Poser runtimes added to DAZ studio makes a difference
the main one with Vicky's !Geometry files and cr2 needs to be first or the deltas in other ones can cause conficts with Powerloader in particular
as Stezza said using the Poser directory loading base figure no morph injections not only avoids this but makes a lighter file
cross talk brings back memories
. loading 2 sydneys in poser 7, both figures would follow the morph settings, couldnt have one skinny and one chuby
thanks Bunyip02 for the suggestion. Still no joy!
Hya Wendy - yes powerloader comes up _ I am using LOD . It comes up with two unticked boxes saying no metdata found.
One is Creature Creator morphs for V4 (ps_mr258)
and other is No metadata found no metadata found (ps_mr658
The base morphs and Morphs++ seem to be injecting.
It's not just V4 though... &^%^%$%$&*&&^!
it happens with all figures = eg V ictoria 2 Lo Res comes into Carrara without a body.- see pic - there is no model in the instances list
Haha just did a search for v4 obj and yes she is installed in four places - but not in the latest drive that I got dim to download my entire product library ... not sure what is going on there.
It was working fine before I downloaded my entire library - I changed the name of the file that DIM uses to see what it has downloaded so it would download everything.
Maybe that's the clue?
I'll try loading her up from the ds structure - but iyt is a problem with all figures - they load into studio okay but dont come into carrara via the duf file...
thanks for the idea Wendy - I have my Carrara directory at the top of the Poser runtimes - and that is where she is installed.
I just loaded up Vick via her cr2 file in Studio and saved as duf but still no joy gahagggggggggggggggggggggggggggggaggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
ah I missed the fun of cross talk :)
And meant in DAZ studio preferences
and if you have V4 installed 4x you are going to have issues in everything
especially DAZ studio
she has to have only one installation
LOD will give issues in Carrara too
Thanks Wendy,
Just uninstalled Studio 4.12 vbia DIm and then unistalled Stuido 4.10 by deleting the directory as it had no unistaller...
No reinstalling via DIM the lates Studio - see if that works?
Not sure of how to get rid of three of the V4s?
hmm well uninstalling and reinstalling didin't work...
the issue is not with DAZ studio it is your runtime setup
try only adding one to DAZ studio in preferences and see if it works
edit some mechanical figures and genesis 2 come in fine ....
when i had vicki in poser, i deleted all her magnets and saved as a new cr2. made a big performance difference.
was there something about smoothing and duf figures? think Wendy mentioned somewhere turning off the smoothing for performance. cant remember how tho
thanks will check that out :)
well this worked - luckily !
quote from poser newsletter
not sure if you could use this to reduce genesis sizes as well?