Carrara 8.5 Multiple monitors?

Having just got a second monitor, I was just wondering how I could use C8.5 with the new increased screen realestate. I tried but I couldnt move anything to the new screen apart from the whole app!
Is there some way to use the new screen for the panels on the right of the bottom?
Post edited by homey_jay on
you can stretch the whole app across two windows
Or you can do this -
i wish the storyboard tab could be popped out to a side monitor. and the library and sequence tabs.
is there such a thing as a kvm switch for 2 or 3 monitors? i got one kvm for mouse / keub amd one monitor. 2 kvms a bit unweildly
I wish we could kill storyboard altogether
I haven't accidentally clicked it in years but if I did I might as well kill Carrara in taskmanager and load everything from scratch and redo everything as it's faster!
Thanks guys, this stuff really helps!