Iray Shader Preset Thumbnails Not Rendering
* DAZ 4.12 - Windows 10 Home - HP15 Ryzen Vega *
So all week I've been busy creating shader presets for a project, everything has gone as expected, as always.
Today I opened up DS to continue my work, and THIS happened:
As you can plainly see, upon saving the preset, the thumbnail appears in OpenGL shading, NOT in Iray shading as selected in the viewport.
The shader preset itself IS being saved correctly, but the thumbnail will not appear Iray-rendered as in the viewport, as it always has. I can apply it to any surface successfully, but no matter what, I cannot save it anywhere from any surface with a proper thumbnail.
I've tried anything and everything I could think of; using a fresh scene, applying to/saving from different geometries, reset to default render settings, saving to different locations, modifying what is and isn't saved with the shader data, trying to apply stock Iray uber shaders to stuff and saving that etc. etc., but no matter what, suddenly DS wants to save the thumbnail in OpenGL texture shading.
I've blown several hours now trying to figure this out, and many more hours scouring Google for any mention of such a state, although any combination of terms (and my google-fu is quite good) only returns the same glut of basic shader tutorials and newbie mistakes in applying shaders.
The kicker is, I've done nothing I know of differently than I always have, and nothing I know of has changed between last night when I shut down DS and went to bed, and when I woke up and started DS again. O.o The last shaders I was working on last night were emissive shaders for neon tubes. The computer has not been re-booted.
The only interruption to my workflow was experimenting with IES profiles on an emissive sphere in a fresh new scene before closing DS. I can't image that would bork the renderer.
So, has anyone ever seen this before, or knows what the issue could be? I'm praying it's something stupidly simple, like a checkbox somewhere... The last thing I want to do is manually make thumbs and install them where they go (tedious!), and the VERY LAST thing I would want to do is re-install Studio.
Any help is greatly appreciated, and I thank you in advance :D
post script:
as I wrote this, I decided to close DS since I'm not using it... and got THIS
fml... >.<
I just opend and closed DS again, and the same thing happened. Crash log saved, submitting it to QC. I'll let this post stand as-is and link it in bug report. This may be related, this is totally new behavior.
You have to actually render the thumbnails/icons if you don't want then to be opengl. Square 91x91px for icons 256x256px to 512x512px for tip icons.
Loading icons have never rendered on their own. I think there is {or used to be} a product in the store to assist with the batch rendering of icons.
I know it's tedious but one can have the render settings save to the folder in which the icons should go, and render each as the shader is made.
If you mean DraagonStorm's Thumbnail Mastery, it is still in the store.
Yes that's it, thank you :-)