No Percentage Convergence reporting in latest Studio release?
So normally when I run a render, the history window of the progress bar reports to me what percentage convergence I've reached. Now, today, it's not. Instead, it's saying "Iray (Iteration) : " and the number of passes, then says "Iray (Canvas) : Render target canvas was written." Also, my progress bar is still sitting at 0% when I'm at 8509 iterations. Does this have anything to do with the new Post SSIM thing I spotted and turned on? I'm assuming so, but I thought I'd ask before stopping the render.
How does the render look?
check to see if Render Quality(Render settings>Progressive rendering) is on or off.
If it's off, it can report 0% for a long time, especially if using high time(or 0) and high itteration settings.
So I had the render sitting there and glanced through the settings. That was when I noticed the Post SSIM option. I turned it on and when I looked back at the render, the Resume button was available. I just assumed I had stopped the render at some point in the past or that the SSIM option would give some change to the image. Render quality was turned on and set for Render Quailty 3 and 99% Converged Ratio. I don't specifically remember if it was set to 98% before I turned on Post SSIM, but it probably was. I like to run it high.
The render looked fine, but it didn't appear to be changing since I had hit Resume. After 3 hours and 9231 iterations, I hit the kill switch. I'm thinking that the render had originally run its course and finished, then was restarted with whatever Post SSIM is. I ditched the original render, started it up again at 99% convergence and quality 5 as a test (waiting... finished rendering with 384 iterations in 8 minutes) and it is now giving me an occasional line that says "Iray (Convergence) : xx.xx%", so I'm thinking something just happened and Studio got caught in a loop of never-ending passes.