Missing files Workshop Bundle

Missing file for Workshop bundle data/ansiko/workshop/wst industrial table/ industrial_table.dsf

Can anyone help ?


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,537

    There is an unfortunate error that creeps up now and then that has to do with leading spaces on filenames. DIM installations can maintain them in place, but if you move or copy the files (like I did, to a new drive), Windows does not preserve them, so references to the files are bad. Try re-installing the Industrial Rack and Equipment to see if it corrects the problem (it did for me).

  • JimiaJimia Posts: 10

    Thanks but I have done this several times along with re-downloading it and it does'nt appear in the downloaded folder ? all I get is a grey block.

  • JimiaJimia Posts: 10

    Yay I iv'e re-downloaded and re-installed success this time.Yippee!

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