Rihgt way to use Genesis Fugures?
I have a begginner question here.
When I want a Genesis based figure in my scene like Monica or Hallie or Jenni for example, Is it better to first load a Genesis Base model into my scene and only after that load a store Based model like the once mentioned here Over it? Or is it better to load a model from the store right away without loading Genesis base first?
Thank you!
If you're going to just apply apply a geneis 8 character directly above the default figure (so by hitting the yes button when it asks for subsitution) you can apply it right away. It's a different matter if you want to apply just the morphs using the sliders because you can go from 0% of a character to 100% and even mix them. But thern you also need to apply skin materials, makeup, nipples etc
Load genesis figure of the relevant generation and then add the character which is an add on
hi, but are there really differences? I tried to load genesis first and then apply a named characters above and reply YES when it ask to confirm substitution and I tried to load directly the named characters, I can't really see any difference..
I don't think it makes any difference.
Thank you all