I'm trying to convert an object to a prop or clothing item without the transfer utility?
I'm having a problem when I convert my characters hair into a clothing item to prepare it for unreal engine for where the bottom strands of hair start to cumble up because of the transfer utility. the only way to get unreal to work with my custome head and hair is by converting them into clothing items or props, not completely sure with the terminology.
i was told this over on reddit.
"You don't think you need to use this tool at all for the hair. You can convert a prop to a clothing item without it. You convert the prop to weight mapping, parent it to the head, and then save it as such an prop."
I just can't completely understand it? how do i convert a prop into "weight mapping." i get stuck at the very beginning here. anyone who could help me, I thank you.
Select the hair, then in the menu go to edit->Object->rigging->convert prop to figure
A window will pop up and all you need to select is the middle radio option "General Weight Mapping" (don't worry about the input box at the top)
Then either check or uncheck the box at the bottom depending if you want to transfer the skeleton over from your character.
alright, after doing what you said and then following the rest of those steps, the hair is now for some reason not following the rest of the body/rig as i move the character around?
Did you fit it to the character or just leave it parented?
Oh, and if you didn't transfer the skeleton from the figure, the hair won't have one to move with, it's just ready for a skeleton to be added.
if i fit it to the character it now floats up into the air all while still not following the character, which i don't understand. when i used the transfer utility it would follow, but not now.
EDIT: i fit it to the head the first time which caused the above. this time i fit it to the body and it does indeed follow the character now, but still floats up into the beyond for some reason.
Try this (I do this with fitting shoes from older generations)
Load the hair, then load your figure
Position the har over the figure where you want it
Parent the hair to the base figure
select the hair and convert to prop (except this time try Triax weight instead of general) and check the box to Inherit skeleton.
After the transfer is complete, fit the hair to your figure and if it asks what figure the hair was made for, select unsupported
unless i'm doing something wrong it still seems to float away for some reason. every problem seems to be fixed now except for the floating away one. hm. by the way, thank you so much for helping me with this.
Does it load in the right place initially, or do you have to move it?
Another thing you can try
is to load the hair but don't move it
Load your character,
then adjust the character (scale them up or down using the scale-x, scale-y, scale-z) so they line up with the un-moved hair
Parent the hair to the figure and try the transfer that way
If you want to fit you really need to use the Transfer utility. You can then edit the weight maps or add extra bones for posign the hair if desired. Trying to get an item to fit manually is going to be a pain, at best.