Help identifying character please

in The Commons
Wondering if anyone knows the texture and/or morph used in the Ice Cream Parlor Poses
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I'm smitten by her and sure I've seen her somewhere before. Any help will be appreciated.
I think I figured out the texture. Michelle HD seems to be what's used there, now if I only knew what morph that was (assuming it's not just a dial spin)
I've actually been on the hunt for this as well, I think I figured out the texture, but not sure on the morph. Hoping it's a character morph, and not some random dial spin. Looks like Michelle HD's texture.
Could be something simple as a mix of Daz girls. Not saying it is, but thats what it looks like to me.
Merged threads
Best I could whip up. Michelle's texture, so I tried dialing in a bit of her head as well, didn't look quite right. Added in a bit of the Tara 2 (same vendor as Michelle) head morph as well. Looks close, but not quite. Those expressions in the promos really set it off, and they're hard to duplicate.
65% Michelle's head, 32.5% Tara 2 - it's not DEAD ON, but it's in the ballpark.
That is very good looking. Comparing the two, I personally like your version a bit better.
The beauty of the genesis models is how easy it is to whip up a custom character just by dialing in a few character morphs here and there.
Looks great.
/em tags thread
Looks great! What hair is that btw? If you make the hair a very dark brown instead of black it will match even more.
EDIT: Is it Mega Updo?
Thanks folks!
And yes, it is outoftouch's Mega Updo
Yes, I agree. I'd buy those settings in a set of presets as a DAZ product.
Hmm, if you ask me, the character in the OP looks like it has one of Marcius' models mixed in, namely the nose and jawline are sticking out to me. I say this after browsing their models all morning long. lol
I actually wonder if this isn't a stock Michelle with a slightly altered lower lip and jawline.
What kind of clothes is she wearing? Can I link to the name?
Does the PA respond to inquiries? You should try asking one of them, at the least, for the facial expressions used. Otherwise you're going to be stuck with a lot of guesswork since none of the products(two different ones) promo images the character was used in has a neutral facial expression.
The clothes are from this set, but recoloured.
Daz handles customer support, that's part of what PAs pay them for. They'll contact the PA if needed.
Some are active in the forums and you can send them a message: