Error during rendering, stuck
So I have a simple scene, genesis sat on a chair, with a bulb above him, that's all. Tried to render and got "Error during rendering" message. So I clicked close on the the render but on the viewport my cursor has a blue circle that won't go away, and when I click render again it says a render is already in progress, even though I cancelled it. This has happened before and I had to close DS and start again, is there another way of dealing with this?
Post your log, before you close DS. It will show what's gone wrong.
Too late, I closed it. It didn't come up with the option to see the error log - if that's what its called.
It should still exist - if you are a Windows user it will be somewhere like: C:\Users\[yourname]\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4 as log.txt (sorry I don't know where it would be on a Mac)