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*loading side launchers with a random mix* ... Pies Away! *fwomp* ... *fwomp* ... *fwomp* ... fwomp* ... *continuing to empty the current loads*
But, yes, I was expecting to see renders today. It is Mother;s Day in North America, after all.
(Me? Just got a new PC, and haven't installed DS on it yet. Maybe if I can do something on the old Pentium IV...)
I was wondering the same thing myself. Maybe it is a render of a crazy mother trying to bake a pie with a pistol sticking out of it for one of their jail bird family members.
I was wondering the same thing myself. Maybe it is a render of a crazy mother trying to bake a pie with a pistol sticking out of it for one of their jail bird family members.
Ah a mystery now isn't it? A pie or a render.
What the..... ? What happened in here? :bug: There's pie EVERYWHERE!
... Well I'm not cleaning this up. :-P
Peeks in the door. Oh, oh! That floor looks awfully slippery! I'll come back when it's been cleaned up.
I think that's what happened to the contestants. They stepped inside and slipped back out because of all the pie mess.
I think that's what happened to the contestants. They stepped inside and slipped back out because of all the pie mess.
Some months start slow. And we've come out of a hard winter and things are warming some areas...and maybe people are just getting out and shedding the "cabin fever".
Our rhododendron has bloomed and yesterday there were a bunch of bumblebees buzzing around the flowers. And I've seen the return of the Baltimore Orioles (not the baseball team!), and last night I heard a Northern Mockingbird singing, and I've seen a bird that I think was perhaps a Yellow Warbler the other day. I didn't get a really good look at it. It could have been a Yellow Chat, but I think it was probably the Warbler. I heard the song outside my office window, and when I went to the window to look, I caught it flying across the street and vanishing into the trees around the pond. A week or two back I saw an Egret escape the pond when I went to get my mail.
Cleanerbots. What happened to the cleanerbots? There were cleanerbots. I'm certain of it. Did someone reprogram the cleanerbots ... again?
I guess everyone knows the lack of seasons here on Oahu* makes the weather delightfully boring. OTOH, it also means the plumeria et al bloom when they want to so the island is always sporting an exquisite array of colors. The only seasonal birds we have are Arctic Terns who winter over here and fly back to Alaska in the Spring. Or most do. Some stick around for the whole year.
* We do have seasons - Rainy, Dry and Hurricane. :-)
... NOTICE ...
As many of you oldbies know, and many of you newbies don't know, I have been running this challenge for the last 6 years. I have given, what has been refered to as "My baby", all the effort I could muster up to insure it lived on. There have been mountains to climb up, and pitfalls to climb out of. There has been pie fights and gavel wars (some remember the great gavel war of 2008 that stretched across this entire site's forums). We have held our place on the first page of this freepository, not going over to the second, for a record breaking time here at Daz. I have met folks and made friends, and I have lost a few with time (BWSman, Jamminwolfie, Skipper25,etc) They come, they go. I have seen some of the most beautiful renders, all made with free stuff, and seen a few that needed a lot of improvement. I have drank with "Louie" and hung out with the great Dorseyland. The memories are just overwhelming.
Unfortunately, as of now, real life and a very successful thriving business, has reached a point where I will no longer be able to command this vessel, and will have to step back, and hand the steering wheel over to someone else. I may return someday, but as for now, I can't be up in here as much as is needed to run a tight ship. Over the years, I have selected what I call my ETOs. (Exectutive Team Officers). These are folks, not affiliated with The Daz site, who have a great knowledge of the Daz Studio program and how to operate it, some also with Poser and Bryce. I appointed these folks a position of credibility to assist any newbies and some oldbies with rules and to lend a helping hand when needed in my absence. So far, I have been through a few who came and went, but there has always been some here for all of you to ask questions from. They have done a wonderful job of keeping things in order, and each one deserves a metal!
After watching the last few months at how well things have been maintained, I have asked my ETO, Dollygirl, who is always here, to take my place at the wheel and after thinking about it, she has graciously accepted my offer. I think she will do a jam-up job of keeping this massive ship afloat. It won't be easy at first, but with your help folks, she will shine I am sure. One thing, I won't be able to make anymore donations each month, as I have for the last 6 years, but I will, from time to time offer up what I have already made for past months. My Beverly Hillbillies shack, that many of you already have, My Monkeemobile, My Summer Beach consession set, My southern dive bar, and much more will continue to be a "Daz Freebie Contest" ONLY prize to give. You guys are the only ones who have them.
With all this said, I will so humbly back out of here, and hand the wheel to Dollygirl. She will be making all the decissions now and working closely with the Daz team, to make sure you guys have the best. If she fights for you, as hard as I have, then things will run smoothly. From now on, all winners will need to send her your email addresses you registered here with to receive your prizes. She will make sure Daz gets all the info needed to issue you your GCs. I will help her in any event needed. I will be leaving the contest rules intact as needed with the option for her to change, add or take away from if she wants.
I, once again, want to give thanks to all who have entered this challenge over the years, all my ETOs, Kendall for the gallery, Chohole for making us all behave, Daz Studio for all the support and help you have given me over the years, Dollygirl for taking the reins, Jeeperz for all the pies, Jamminwolfie for being "My Brother" and keeping the fun in here way above the meter limit, BWSman for giving all he had in spite of his handicap until the end, For Skipper25, who I tutored and taught 3d to, only to watch him bloom into a great modeler, and to Sal for being the one who thought this entire concept up way back in January 2008. (BTW...I won the very first challenge ever done.)
So, I leave you all with a little render I made many years ago, because it was a very special time for me here in the challenge. This is a trailer full of the last of my gavels used in the great Gavel War of 2008...I leave them all to you as a token of thanks for putting up with me and making my life whole...shall we move forward?
With much love,
Sad to see you do this Music, but I can understand your feelings
You can be assured that I will continue to support this Challenge as well as I am able, just hope I don't get any more Family emergencies that cause me to drop out as much as I did last month.
Stay in touch won't you?
It's a sad day when the gavel is passed, but it's a less-sad day when the one who receives the gavel is so good at the job.
Music, thanks for riding herd on us for all these years. I have a Freebie Challenge theme idea that I expect you to participate in - but I'll give you some time to get into your new routine before I use it.
Dollygirl, as I mentioned by PM a few weeks ago, I'm available to host in August if you need me. I'll use the theme I suggested in the PM.
Oh, yes - we have a Challenge going on. Here's a live-action bit that I think would make for a decent render (assuming the new computer gets all the content installed before the end of the month):
Sorry too am I Music but I can understand. I am so happy that your business is booming. All the best of luck and if you ever get the itch to take over the reins just say so and they are yours again.
Thanks Rob for the nod I will try and do my very best for you guys. Thanks Cho. For now things are going to stay the same. Even next month will be the traditional theme of summer fun and pin-ups that Music hosted in the past, with me hosting.
Thanks Rob for hosting August that would be great. So is there anyone else that would like to try their hand at hosting? We have July, September, October, and November months. Jeeperz usually takes December. Hosting is not to hard a job. Just checking out the links. Thinking up a theme. There is help when you need it.
Good luck Music! Come in and tell us some of your best recovery stories will ya? So on with the show!
Best of luck Music.
Sad to see you go, Music. But glad your business is doing so well. Of course, that means I'm glad that there are a lot of people in pain...and that's not so nice...but they'll be getting rid of their pain with your help, and that's a good thing!
I hope someone will continue the Monster Mash Halloween Bash in October!
Godspeed, dere buddy! Safe travels t' ya. We'll leaves a light on an' keep a cold one in the 'fridge for ya!
Wit' t'anks, love and much respect,
Music, I'm sad you have to leave, but I'm very glad your business is doing so well.
Thank you for everything you've done to make this a fun place to hang out. The Freebie Challenge, like your business, is a successful and popular project, and it's sure to keep sailing with the crew you've trained up.
See you around, okay?
My Entry:
Whaaat? You Don't Think a Marine can be a Mom?
Marine is Genesis. Baby is K4 and Morphs++
Paid for:
Baby: Morph * Kids 4 Toddler by DAZ 3D.
Baby: Texture * Children of the World by Virtual_World.
Baby: Hair Hair Refits for K4 by france. Look for DAZ People on the left side. Page 1 first download.
Baby: Hair Bob Hair by Studio Maya.
Baby: Morph * children-of-the-world-free-content by Virtual_World.
Baby: Pose * mommy and me by colynn.
Baby: suit * Morphing AlienForce Suit by joequick.
Baby: Suit Texture * StarTex for K4 Alien Force by alymac.
Environment: Container Prop * SF Space Cargo Container (.obj version) by spacebones.
Environment: Lighting * 3 Point Area Light with UE2 by wancow.
Environment: Rifle * TheBeast by DarkEdgeDesign.
Environment: Wall SCI-FI Wall by Stonemason. Down on the lower edge of the window you will see Downloads. Click on this. Click on page 2. Click on second picture in first row.
Marine: Expression * Expressions for Genesis Basic Female by eblank.
Marine: Face * FW Lindsay for Genesis by FWArt.
Marine: Pose * Definitely Cheesecake - Genesis by Kevin Forbes.
Marine: Suit Spartan Armor by EvilEliot.
Marine: Suit Texture Spartan Armor Materials by EvilEliot.
Marine: Texture * Nanami V4 by mari_e17.
No Counts:
Marine: Hair Soto's Flat Top for Genesis by Hellyboy.
* means free registration. No postwork. Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.6
Excellent! Her expression matches the title, too!
I have volunteered to host the Monster Mash Halloween Bash. But if Music decides he has the time and wants to host that month I will happily step aside.
Excellent! Her expression matches the title, too!
Thank you Dana!
So am I the only one going to get a prize? I like that! I can use the cash. My piggy bank is a little okay a lot empty!
I really like that render. All your links checked out.
Thank you Dana!
So am I the only one going to get a prize? I like that! I can use the cash. My piggy bank is a little okay a lot empty!
lol, if you're the only does that mean you win all 3 prizes?
Thank you Dana!
So am I the only one going to get a prize? I like that! I can use the cash. My piggy bank is a little okay a lot empty!
lol, if you're the only does that mean you win all 3 prizes?
Yipee! You hear that LG? I am getting all three prizes. Ah heaven!
lol, if you're the only does that mean you win all 3 prizes?
Yipee! You hear that LG? I am getting all three prizes. Ah heaven!
It's a little early to count your chickens yet! LG will be around, I'm sure. He's probably just trying to think of an angle. And The Real Man should be around or his sister.
Go ahead and count your chickens...I'm out. I'd trade all the chickens in the world and every prize in the joint for a day off and a good night's sleep! I've been putting in 60 hour weeks down at the old slave pen which affords me little time for the basic necessities of life, like sleeping, eating and rendering. I'm saving all my energy for next month. Y'all have fun...I gotta go to work...Great stuff so far though...
I'm working on one. :-) Hope to have it finished soon.
According to the list I have Music is still down as hosting the Annual MMHB, and until he tells me otherwise I think we can assume that still stands.
Which means that with Jeeperz doing the December one as always, Rob taking August and Kismet volunteering for November we only have July and September free and up for grabs.