Reality Render Editor -- Crash

I have been searching for an answer for 9 weeks now.    For the last 9 weeks, a few seconds after clicking on Reality Render Editor. within DAZ, Reality 4 crashes.  I reinstalled DAZ, 3 times now and I also uninstalled/reinstalled Reality 3 times.  


  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    Do you by chance of Octane Render installed?

  • Platnumk said:

    Do you by chance of Octane Render installed?

    No, I do not have Octane Render.

  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672
    edited May 2020

    What does the Reality_plugin_Log.txt say (normally found under your Documents Folder) - Does it indicate any errors.  Also check the DAZ Studio Log (found under Help - Troubleshooting).  Post any errors that either/both log files say about the Reality Plugin.

    Post edited by Platnumk on
  • It sounds like a similar problem I had last year, but can't be sure without a few more specifics. What versions of each (Daz and Reality) are you currently running? My issue turned out to be a version compatibility issue and had to update my version of Daz.

  • edited May 2020

    DAZ got updated twice in the last few months, currently Daz -- 64bit.  Reality worked for weeks after most recent DAZ update.

    Just before this problem started my desktop completely froze up, nothing worked -- no keyboard, no mouse -- so I had to do a hard reset by pressing the power button.  I always use "City Limits Lite" layout.  I had to manually restore the workspace / layout   to my liking.    I tried switched to other layout, Reality still crashed moments after I click on it within DAZ.

    Reality has not updated over the years.  Still  There is no errors within DAZ log file other than the usual "PostgreSQL CMS connection" error.

    Post edited by dylan_borg_d673e29d8d on
  • Reality LOG


    20-5-18 01:30:26 -  ==================================================
    20-5-18 01:30:26 -   Reality plugin Studio Edition started
    20-5-18 01:30:26 -   v.
    20-5-18 01:30:26 -  ==================================================
    20-5-18 01:30:26 - (H) Starting the host-side services for DAZ Studio
    20-5-18 01:30:26 - (H) Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-18 01:30:26 - (H) Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-18 01:30:26 - (H) Reality DS library v. 0.6
    20-5-18 01:30:26 - (H) Cfg file: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Reality
    20-5-18 01:30:26 - (H)   realityPath: E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 01:30:26 - (H) Reality for DS found in E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 01:30:33 - (H) Loading a new scene...
    20-5-18 01:30:33 - (H) Testing if the ACSEL tables exist
    20-5-18 01:30:33 - (H) ACSEL database is at version 5, current db engine version is 5
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  =====================================
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -   Reality library loaded
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  =====================================
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  The library path is: C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins\Reality\Reality_DS64.dll
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  Reality v.
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  SQLite v.
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  ACSEL library v.5.0
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -    Searching E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -    Found E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/Reality.exe
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  Reality executable in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -    Searching E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -    Found E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/Reality.exe
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  Embedded Lux in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/lux/luxrender.exe
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  Loaded OpenCL library OpenCL.DLL
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  OCL platform: 00000000119212B0 nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  Found 1 devices for platform nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  Found OCL device: GeForce GT 1030 - type GPU
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  Registered exporter for format lux
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  Registered exporter for format map
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  Registered exporter for format slg
    20-5-18 01:36:09 -  Registered exporter for format json
    20-5-18 01:36:12 -  ==================================================
    20-5-18 01:36:12 -   Reality plugin Studio Edition started
    20-5-18 01:36:12 -   v.
    20-5-18 01:36:12 -  ==================================================
    20-5-18 01:36:12 - (H) Starting the host-side services for DAZ Studio
    20-5-18 01:36:12 - (H) Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-18 01:36:12 - (H) Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-18 01:36:12 - (H) Reality DS library v. 0.6
    20-5-18 01:36:12 - (H) Cfg file: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Reality
    20-5-18 01:36:12 - (H)   realityPath: E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 01:36:12 - (H) Reality for DS found in E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 01:37:54 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-18 01:37:54 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-18 01:37:54 - (H) Testing if the ACSEL tables exist
    20-5-18 01:37:54 - (H) ACSEL database is at version 5, current db engine version is 5
    20-5-18 01:38:20 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-18 01:38:20 - (H) Loading a new scene...
    20-5-18 01:38:20 - (H) + LOCK
    20-5-18 01:38:21 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-18 01:38:24 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-18 01:38:27 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  =====================================
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -   Reality library loaded
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  =====================================
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  The library path is: E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS\Reality_lib.dll
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  Reality v.
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  SQLite v.
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  ACSEL library v.5.0
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  Reality executable in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  Embedded Lux in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/lux/luxrender.exe
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  Loaded OpenCL library OpenCL.DLL
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  OCL platform: 00000000002D8EF0 nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  Found 1 devices for platform nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  Found OCL device: GeForce GT 1030 - type GPU
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  Registered exporter for format lux
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  Registered exporter for format map
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  Registered exporter for format slg
    20-5-18 13:45:31 -  Registered exporter for format json
    20-5-18 13:45:33 -  Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-18 13:45:33 -  Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-18 13:45:33 -   Started UI message relayer...
    20-5-18 13:45:36 -  ReSceneData closed
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  =====================================
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -   Reality library loaded
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  =====================================
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  The library path is: C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins\Reality\Reality_DS64.dll
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  Reality v.
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  SQLite v.
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  ACSEL library v.5.0
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -    Searching E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -    Found E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/Reality.exe
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  Reality executable in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -    Searching E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -    Found E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/Reality.exe
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  Embedded Lux in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/lux/luxrender.exe
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  Loaded OpenCL library OpenCL.DLL
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  OCL platform: 0000000009E94E90 nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  Found 1 devices for platform nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  Found OCL device: GeForce GT 1030 - type GPU
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  Registered exporter for format lux
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  Registered exporter for format map
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  Registered exporter for format slg
    20-5-18 14:59:50 -  Registered exporter for format json
    20-5-18 14:59:53 -  ==================================================
    20-5-18 14:59:53 -   Reality plugin Studio Edition started
    20-5-18 14:59:53 -   v.
    20-5-18 14:59:53 -  ==================================================
    20-5-18 14:59:53 - (H) Starting the host-side services for DAZ Studio
    20-5-18 14:59:53 - (H) Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-18 14:59:53 - (H) Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-18 14:59:53 - (H) Reality DS library v. 0.6
    20-5-18 14:59:53 - (H) Cfg file: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Reality
    20-5-18 14:59:53 - (H)   realityPath: E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 14:59:53 - (H) Reality for DS found in E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 14:59:56 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-18 14:59:56 - (H) Loading a new scene...
    20-5-18 14:59:56 - (H) Testing if the ACSEL tables exist
    20-5-18 14:59:56 - (H) ACSEL database is at version 5, current db engine version is 5
    20-5-18 14:59:56 - (H) + LOCK
    20-5-18 14:59:57 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-18 14:59:57 - (H) # COMMIT
    20-5-18 15:00:00 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-18 15:00:01 - (H) Object {e1b0f674-e210-494b-958d-6267ec1285b9} skipped. - parented&hidden:0, group: 1, no geom: 1, inst.: 0
    20-5-18 15:00:07 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-18 15:00:10 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-18 15:00:54 - (H) Exception: resolve: No such host is known
    20-5-18 15:04:54 - (H) Exception: resolve: No such host is known
    20-5-18 15:32:34 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-18 15:32:34 - (H) Loading a new scene...
    20-5-18 15:32:34 - (H) + LOCK
    20-5-18 15:32:34 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-18 15:32:38 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-18 15:32:38 - (H) Object {e1b0f674-e210-494b-958d-6267ec1285b9} skipped. - parented&hidden:0, group: 1, no geom: 1, inst.: 0
    20-5-18 15:32:40 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-18 15:32:41 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-18 15:32:54 - (H) Exception: resolve: No such host is known
    20-5-18 15:34:55 - (H) Exception: resolve: No such host is known
    20-5-18 15:41:56 - (H) Host-side services shutting down...
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  =====================================
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -   Reality library loaded
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  =====================================
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  The library path is: C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins\Reality\Reality_DS64.dll
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  Reality v.
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  SQLite v.
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  ACSEL library v.5.0
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -    Searching E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -    Found E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/Reality.exe
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  Reality executable in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -    Searching E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -    Found E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/Reality.exe
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  Embedded Lux in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/lux/luxrender.exe
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  Loaded OpenCL library OpenCL.DLL
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  OCL platform: 0000000011AC24C0 nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  Found 1 devices for platform nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  Found OCL device: GeForce GT 1030 - type GPU
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  Registered exporter for format lux
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  Registered exporter for format map
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  Registered exporter for format slg
    20-5-18 20:47:27 -  Registered exporter for format json
    20-5-18 20:47:33 -  ==================================================
    20-5-18 20:47:33 -   Reality plugin Studio Edition started
    20-5-18 20:47:33 -   v.
    20-5-18 20:47:33 -  ==================================================
    20-5-18 20:47:33 - (H) Starting the host-side services for DAZ Studio
    20-5-18 20:47:33 - (H) Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-18 20:47:33 - (H) Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-18 20:47:33 - (H) Reality DS library v. 0.6
    20-5-18 20:47:33 - (H) Cfg file: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Reality
    20-5-18 20:47:33 - (H)   realityPath: E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 20:47:33 - (H) Reality for DS found in E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-18 20:47:45 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-18 20:47:46 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-18 20:47:46 - (H) Testing if the ACSEL tables exist


  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    Have you checked your firewall setting to allow Reality full access to the internet (it doesn't actually use the internet but it uses a TCP Pipe to communicate with Studio)

  • Platnumk said:

    Have you checked your firewall setting to allow Reality full access to the internet (it doesn't actually use the internet but it uses a TCP Pipe to communicate with Studio)

    Yes, I have been fighting the PostgreSQL CMS connection error annoyance for a long time now.  99% of the time, regardless of my firewall status, DAZ nags me with PostgreSQL CMS connection error.

  • Reality seems to crash the moment I move my mouse.  

    Slightly different log file now.


    20-5-20 23:00:29 -  ==================================================
    20-5-20 23:00:29 -   Reality plugin Studio Edition started
    20-5-20 23:00:29 -   v.
    20-5-20 23:00:29 -  ==================================================
    20-5-20 23:00:29 - (H) Starting the host-side services for DAZ Studio
    20-5-20 23:00:29 - (H) Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-20 23:00:29 - (H) Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-20 23:00:29 - (H) Reality DS library v. 0.6
    20-5-20 23:00:29 - (H) Cfg file: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Reality
    20-5-20 23:00:29 - (H)   realityPath: E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-20 23:00:29 - (H) Reality for DS found in E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-20 23:00:48 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-20 23:00:48 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-20 23:00:48 - (H) Testing if the ACSEL tables exist
    20-5-20 23:00:48 - (H) ACSEL database is at version 5, current db engine version is 5
    20-5-20 23:00:51 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-20 23:00:51 - (H) Loading a new scene...
    20-5-20 23:00:51 - (H) + LOCK
    20-5-20 23:00:52 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-20 23:01:24 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-20 23:01:25 - (H) Object {e1b0f674-e210-494b-958d-6267ec1285b9} skipped. - parented&hidden:0, group: 1, no geom: 1, inst.: 0
    20-5-20 23:01:25 - (H) Adding light with ID DistantLight-15824
    20-5-20 23:01:30 - (H) Exception: resolve: No such host is known
    20-5-20 23:01:36 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-20 23:01:54 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-20 23:04:30 - (H) Exception: resolve: No such host is known
    20-5-21 00:02:31 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 00:02:31 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 00:03:13 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 00:03:13 - (H) Loading a new scene...
    20-5-21 00:03:14 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 00:03:30 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 00:03:30 - (H) Adding light with ID DistantLight-8309
    20-5-21 00:03:30 - (H) Object {e1b0f674-e210-494b-958d-6267ec1285b9} skipped. - parented&hidden:0, group: 1, no geom: 1, inst.: 0
    20-5-21 00:03:40 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -  =====================================
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -   Reality library loaded
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -  =====================================
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -  The library path is: C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins\Reality\Reality_DS64.dll
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -  Reality v.
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -  SQLite v.
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -  ACSEL library v.5.0
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -    Searching E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -    Found E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/Reality.exe
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -  Reality executable in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -    Searching E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -    Found E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/Reality.exe
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -  Embedded Lux in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/lux/luxrender.exe
    20-5-21 00:37:16 -  Loaded OpenCL library OpenCL.DLL
    20-5-21 00:37:17 -  OCL platform: 0000000009E33050 nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-21 00:37:17 -  Found 1 devices for platform nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-21 00:37:17 -  Found OCL device: GeForce GT 1030 - type GPU
    20-5-21 00:37:17 -  Registered exporter for format lux
    20-5-21 00:37:17 -  Registered exporter for format map
    20-5-21 00:37:17 -  Registered exporter for format slg
    20-5-21 00:37:17 -  Registered exporter for format json
    20-5-21 00:37:20 -  ==================================================
    20-5-21 00:37:20 -   Reality plugin Studio Edition started
    20-5-21 00:37:20 -   v.
    20-5-21 00:37:20 -  ==================================================
    20-5-21 00:37:20 - (H) Starting the host-side services for DAZ Studio
    20-5-21 00:37:20 - (H) Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-21 00:37:20 - (H) Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-21 00:37:20 - (H) Reality DS library v. 0.6
    20-5-21 00:37:20 - (H) Cfg file: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Reality
    20-5-21 00:37:20 - (H)   realityPath: E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-21 00:37:20 - (H) Reality for DS found in E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-21 00:37:32 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 00:37:32 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 00:37:32 - (H) Testing if the ACSEL tables exist
    20-5-21 00:37:32 - (H) ACSEL database is at version 5, current db engine version is 5
    20-5-21 00:37:56 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 00:37:56 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 00:37:58 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 00:37:58 - (H) Loading a new scene...
    20-5-21 00:37:58 - (H) + LOCK
    20-5-21 00:37:58 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 00:38:20 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 00:38:20 - (H) Adding light with ID SpotLight-41119
    20-5-21 00:38:20 - (H) Adding light with ID SpotLight 2-44207
    20-5-21 00:38:20 - (H) Adding light with ID SpotLight 3-60534
    20-5-21 00:38:21 - (H) Exception: resolve: No such host is known
    20-5-21 00:38:22 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 00:38:26 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 08:23:50 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 08:23:50 - (H) Loading a new scene...
    20-5-21 08:23:50 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 08:24:09 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 08:24:09 - (H) Adding light with ID SpotLight-64196
    20-5-21 08:24:09 - (H) Adding light with ID SpotLight 2-57401
    20-5-21 08:24:09 - (H) Adding light with ID SpotLight 3-64055
    20-5-21 08:24:11 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 08:24:12 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 08:24:21 - (H) Exception: resolve: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found
    20-5-21 08:32:31 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 08:32:31 - (H) Loading a new scene...
    20-5-21 08:32:32 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 08:32:39 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  =====================================
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -   Reality library loaded
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  =====================================
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  The library path is: E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS\Reality_lib.dll
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  Reality v.
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  SQLite v.
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  ACSEL library v.5.0
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  Reality executable in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  Embedded Lux in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/lux/luxrender.exe
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  Loaded OpenCL library OpenCL.DLL
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  OCL platform: 00000000004C8EF0 nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  Found 1 devices for platform nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  Found OCL device: GeForce GT 1030 - type GPU
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  Registered exporter for format lux
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  Registered exporter for format map
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  Registered exporter for format slg
    20-5-21 10:26:32 -  Registered exporter for format json
    20-5-21 10:26:34 -  Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-21 10:26:34 -  Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-21 10:26:34 -   Started UI message relayer...
    20-5-21 10:26:43 -  ReSceneData closed
    20-5-21 08:32:39 - (H) Adding light with ID SpotLight-23875
    20-5-21 08:32:39 - (H) Adding light with ID SpotLight 2-5206
    20-5-21 08:32:39 - (H) Adding light with ID SpotLight 3-6907
    20-5-21 08:32:42 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 08:32:43 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 08:33:22 - (H) Exception: resolve: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found
    20-5-21 10:30:46 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 10:30:46 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 10:30:52 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-21 10:30:52 - (H) Loading a new scene...
    20-5-21 10:30:53 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 10:31:10 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-21 10:31:10 - (H) Adding light with ID SpotLight-46429
    20-5-21 10:31:10 - (H) Adding light with ID SpotLight 2-55885

  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    Have you tried with just a simple scene - a sphere (set it to metal material) 1 camera and 1 SpotLight (aimed at the sphere),  do you then still get a crash

  • Platnumk said:

    Have you tried with just a simple scene - a sphere (set it to metal material) 1 camera and 1 SpotLight (aimed at the sphere),  do you then still get a crash

    Yes, I attempted your idea of just a simple scene.  Error Log below.


    20-5-22 22:06:39 -  ==================================================
    20-5-22 22:06:39 -   Reality plugin Studio Edition started
    20-5-22 22:06:39 -   v.
    20-5-22 22:06:39 -  ==================================================
    20-5-22 22:06:39 - (H) Starting the host-side services for DAZ Studio
    20-5-22 22:06:39 - (H) Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-22 22:06:39 - (H) Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-22 22:06:39 - (H) Reality DS library v. 0.6
    20-5-22 22:06:39 - (H) Cfg file: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Reality
    20-5-22 22:06:39 - (H)   realityPath: E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-22 22:06:39 - (H) Reality for DS found in E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS
    20-5-22 22:06:47 - (H) Instance group
    20-5-22 22:06:48 - (H) File or group finished loading
    20-5-22 22:06:48 - (H) Testing if the ACSEL tables exist
    20-5-22 22:08:02 -  =====================================
    20-5-22 22:08:02 -   Reality library loaded
    20-5-22 22:08:02 -  =====================================
    20-5-22 22:08:02 -  The library path is: E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS\Reality_lib.dll
    20-5-22 22:08:02 -  Reality v.
    20-5-22 22:08:02 -  SQLite v.
    20-5-22 22:08:02 -  ACSEL library v.5.0
    20-5-22 22:08:02 -  Reality executable in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS
    20-5-22 22:08:02 -  Embedded Lux in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/lux/luxrender.exe
    20-5-22 22:08:02 -  Loaded OpenCL library OpenCL.DLL
    20-5-22 22:08:03 -  OCL platform: 00000000002D8EF0 nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-22 22:08:03 -  Found 1 devices for platform nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-22 22:08:03 -  Found OCL device: GeForce GT 1030 - type GPU
    20-5-22 22:08:03 -  Registered exporter for format lux
    20-5-22 22:08:03 -  Registered exporter for format map
    20-5-22 22:08:03 -  Registered exporter for format slg
    20-5-22 22:08:03 -  Registered exporter for format json
    20-5-22 22:08:04 -  Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-22 22:08:04 -  Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-22 22:08:04 -   Started UI message relayer...
    20-5-22 22:09:22 -  ReSceneData closed
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  =====================================
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -   Reality library loaded
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  =====================================
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  The library path is: E:\daz 3n4\Reality4Daz\Reality_DS\Reality_lib.dll
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Reality v.
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  SQLite v.
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  ACSEL library v.5.0
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Reality executable in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Embedded Lux in: E:/daz 3n4/Reality4Daz/Reality_DS/lux/luxrender.exe
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Loaded OpenCL library OpenCL.DLL
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  OCL platform: 0000000000248EF0 nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Found 1 devices for platform nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Found OCL device: GeForce GT 1030 - type GPU
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Registered exporter for format lux
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Registered exporter for format map
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Registered exporter for format slg
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Registered exporter for format json
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -  Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-22 22:09:51 -   Started UI message relayer...
    20-5-22 22:09:53 -  ReSceneData closed


  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    Did you install Reality in its defualt location or did you change the install path?

  • edited May 2020
    Platnumk said:

    Did you install Reality in its defualt location or did you change the install path?

    Default install path.  The log does not even record an error of any kind.

    Post edited by dylan_borg_d673e29d8d on
  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    I could be completely wrong,  but your log file shows references to Open CL (ocl), and your Nvidia card. This may indicate that somehow OCL/GPU rendering has been enabled in Reality. GPU rendering with Lux was always a bit iffy, and often resulted in hard crashes like you're describing.

    So maybe you should check in your Reality setup to make sure GPU or Hybrid rendering hasn't been enabled. Sorry,  I don't remember where it is, or exactly what it was called to help, but I'm pretty sure Reality didn't check for the OCL .dll unless GPU or hybrid rendering was enabled.

    Hope this helps!

  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    Ok, lets try a little experiment.  Load a single character + clothes + hair, Add a Camera & a single Light Source

    Now setup Reality's Scene Configuration as follows -

    Acceleration - CPU-No Acceleration

    Scene configuration - Type : Bidirectional, FFs removal : 0, Sampler : Metropolis, Light Stratedgy : Auto

    Now try to render,  and feed back to results.

  • Platnumk said:

    Ok, lets try a little experiment.  Load a single character + clothes + hair, Add a Camera & a single Light Source

    Now setup Reality's Scene Configuration as follows -

    Acceleration - CPU-No Acceleration

    Scene configuration - Type : Bidirectional, FFs removal : 0, Sampler : Metropolis, Light Stratedgy : Auto

    Now try to render,  and feed back to results.

    Regardless of my actions in Reality, less than six seconds after clicking on Reality within DAZ,   Reality crashes.

  • edited May 2020

    Platnumk   I dont suppose that Reality has a config file.  If so, could you please send yours to me ?

    Post edited by dylan_borg_d673e29d8d on
  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    Platnumk   I dont suppose that Reality has a config file.  If so, could you please send yours to me ?

    Even if it did have a config file it wouldn't do any good as I use MacOS. All I can think of at this time is that there is something else interfearing with it or after you had your machine crash some files have been damagd 

  • My hardware was not changed over the years.  I keep up with software maintainance, clearing out the floatsam that Windows always generates.  Should I record my screen and post the link to the forum ?

  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    My hardware was not changed over the years.  I keep up with software maintainance, clearing out the floatsam that Windows always generates.  Should I record my screen and post the link to the forum ?

    If you can,  It might shed some light on whats happening

  • Loaded a single character + clothes + hair, Add a Camera & a single Light Source.


    Click on Reality, then a few seconds later - App Crash in Reality.  DAZ is unaffected.

    part 1 trouble.jpg
    1725 x 971 - 150K
    part 2 trouble.jpg
    1722 x 915 - 140K
    part 3 trouble.jpg
    1916 x 1031 - 112K
  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    do you have the OpenCL drivers installed for both CPU & GPU?

  • edited May 2020

    This might be a bit of a long shot, but I did have a similar problem a few random times in the past. I'm going to assume that you're using the version of Lux that installed with Reality. You might check to make sure any previous versions are entirely uninstalled .. then, rather than start the render directly from Reality, choose to Export it first, then open Lux and start the render that way, keeping an eye on any warnings or errors in the Lux log. Another thing you might try is, in Reality, on the Advanced tab, try ticking the "Convert Spot Lights to Meshlights".  That was an issue I've seen in the previous version of Reality ... for some reason, spotlights were causing Reality to hang and time out to an appcrash.

    You might also try changing the Geometry format to Lux Native. I recall having to do that quite a few times with V4 in the past.

    *Edit* Spelling is hard

    Post edited by deadgemini_db6f21ea56 on
  • @deadgemini_db6f21ea56 - I checked my system, I still have the default LuxRender 1.6 that come with Reality.  According to Control Panel, 1.6 is the only version I have installed.  I am unable to use Reality at all and unable to check the lights in the Advanced tab.


    @Platnumk How do I check ?

  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    I can see by your Reality Log that you have OpenCL installed (how I missed that I don't know).

    Lets try a little experiment,  try running Reality without DAZ running,  do you get the Reality GUI open without it crashing or does it still crash straight away?

  • edited May 2020

    I opened Reality's EXE by itself, DAZ 3D is not involved.

    Same APP Crash.  Here is the log file. No errors.


    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  =====================================
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -   Reality library loaded
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  =====================================
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  The library path is: C:\Program Files\Reality_DS\Reality_lib.dll
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  Reality v.
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  SQLite v.
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  ACSEL library v.5.0
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  Reality executable in: C:/Program Files/Reality_DS
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  Embedded Lux in: C:/Program Files/Reality_DS/lux/luxrender.exe
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  Loaded OpenCL library OpenCL.DLL
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  OCL platform: 0000000000358FB0 nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  Found 1 devices for platform nVidia - v.1.2 
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  Found OCL device: GeForce GT 1030 - type GPU
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  Registered exporter for format lux
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  Registered exporter for format map
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  Registered exporter for format slg
    20-5-28 21:30:52 -  Registered exporter for format json
    20-5-28 21:30:57 -  Shared memory segment key: ReSceneRenderOptions_DAZStudio
    20-5-28 21:30:58 -  Shared memory block is: 1048576 bytes
    20-5-28 21:30:58 -   Started UI message relayer...
    20-5-28 21:35:03 -  ReSceneData closed



    Post edited by dylan_borg_d673e29d8d on
  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    From what I can tell from this little experiment is that you have got something running the the background that is causing Reality to crash or you may have a driver or hardware issue.

    I would start by looking to see what you have running in the background & if possible turn off all running programs art from thios that are required by the system & run the experimant again,  If it then runs without crashing then gradually re-enable each program one at a time until you find wich one is the cause.

    If it still crashes with just the bare system running then its either a driver issue or its a hardware issue.

    Without being able to narrow it down further its the best suggestion I have at this time.

  • Platnumk said:

    From what I can tell from this little experiment is that you have got something running the the background that is causing Reality to crash or you may have a driver or hardware issue.

    I would start by looking to see what you have running in the background & if possible turn off all running programs art from thios that are required by the system & run the experimant again,  If it then runs without crashing then gradually re-enable each program one at a time until you find wich one is the cause.

    If it still crashes with just the bare system running then its either a driver issue or its a hardware issue.

    Without being able to narrow it down further its the best suggestion I have at this time.

    I am at a loss how to do that.  I booted into Safe Mode, Reality.EXE, without DAZ still crashed, same as before.

  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672
    Platnumk said:

    From what I can tell from this little experiment is that you have got something running the the background that is causing Reality to crash or you may have a driver or hardware issue.

    I would start by looking to see what you have running in the background & if possible turn off all running programs art from thios that are required by the system & run the experimant again,  If it then runs without crashing then gradually re-enable each program one at a time until you find wich one is the cause.

    If it still crashes with just the bare system running then its either a driver issue or its a hardware issue.

    Without being able to narrow it down further its the best suggestion I have at this time.

    I am at a loss how to do that.  I booted into Safe Mode, Reality.EXE, without DAZ still crashed, same as before.

    How to run a memory test - Click Here

    If the memory test passes without any error's then I would try fully uninstalling Reality,  Disable both Anti-Virus & Firewall,  then re-install Reality.  Instructions on how to fully remove Reality can be found HERE

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,253

    I would start by showing hidden items in your content and deleting anything that is hidden, then bring up the interface

    its possible the Realty database is corrupt and may need to be rebuilt. This happened to me many years ago and I had to send those files to the developer who fixed that.

    this is all guessing on my part. I switched to Iray CPU only a while back and I no longer have Reality installed, v2 never worked right for me.

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