New serial number for beta?

Sorry if this has already been addressed. I am sure you know the challenges of finding things now a days. So when is the new serial number released and where does one find it?
And, by the way. Does it really make sense to provide serial numbers that expire on t he weekend?
Thank you
What alternative would you suggest?
Even tho the date was known....DAZ should have made some me it seems they "forgot" (no one in charge or no one with a brain for customers)
At least to say: (pick one)
- beta done
- release new ser num a few days before old expires
- extend expiry date
- new prod release; now or coming by date (not just soon)
- on hold as we decide how to work which bugs/issues
- something else with some wall st., we like to have a firm grasp of the "rules" and direction/intent/etc; not just left in the dark on policy issues
They quite clearly said this beta, test version would expire on July 14th.
The current active version remains 8.1.something, and it still works. I'm not sure what else we could reasonably expect.
Any week day would make more sense. I would guess that like most businesses DAZ has fewer, if any, staff covering things on the weekend. So they may not be able to address the problem until Monday.
Heck, while I am wishing, why not post the darn thing the day before or schedule to have it post on the expiration date. Afterall, it is not like it was a surprise.
For Windows user maybe what about Mac users 8.1 does not in fact work on Lion so no serial no product.
C8.2 with the known bugs fixed is what I expect based on EVERY OTHER VERSION OF CARRARA EVER RELEASED. >:( Are you for real?
If you are looking for the new SN for the Carrara 8.5 Beta build it's updated in this thread:
Thank you for responding. I did get the new serial number from that thread yesterday (7/16).