Choppy Viewport Space Since Last Daz Update
I have a solid gaming PC desktop with an updated Nvidia graphics card. It seems like one of the Daz preferences might have been changed or perhaps a new preference was added which slows things down. This has never been a problem before. It seems like it's a graphic card issue though. Rendering is fine. It's just the viewport workspace that is slowed. Thanks in advance for your help:)
Deleted--no longer applies
Ok so it wasn't the object I thought. I am having major lag issues when loading elements into the scene. Before the update, I wasn't having any trouble and it ran effortlessly. It seems like the graphics card isn't working but that's just a guess. Any ideas?
Update: I downloaded the Daz 4.12 Pro Public build and I am able to run large files with ease. So the issue is in the normal version. Any idea how I can fix this?
My scenes are now missing keys from them. The public beta doesn't have this issue. I wonder if it has to do with Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) Daz used in the new version.
I found this thread but there doesn't seem to be a fix yet for the normal program:
Update: I cannot save animated sequences of shape morphs in either version of Daz. The files I saved prior to upgrading versions retain their shaping presets unless I save them. After saving and reloading the files, they will be without shape morphs in the animation.
You probably need to work with the Public Build for now.
The public build is a bit smoother but I still can't save anything without losing morph frames.
With regard to "choppy viewport" - I was going to say to set your Display Optimization to BEST in preferences. But I believe that the latest iteration of DS has that set to BEST by default. Could be a GPU driver issue.
Yeah I messed with those settings already and ended up leaving them on high performance. I highly doubt it's the GPU driver because none of this happened before the update and my drivers are updated. I read where it might be a memory issue due to Daz now using Microsoft Visual.
I think that's an incomplete last sentence. DS on Windows is compiled with a version of Microsoft Visual C++ (I think - one of the Visual Studio tools), but that has always been true.
Almost as you say, about the setting:
Thanks for the advice Richard. I’ll go back and look at the settings to see if it fixes the lag but what do you think accounts for the missing shape animation key frames? It seems like other people have had this issue as well but I haven’t seen a fix yet. Even if I go back and rework the shape animations, saving and reloading the file erases it. I did an experiment and didn’t change shape animations in one file and I saved it which resulted in the erasing of the shape animation. But the files I don’t save over that were created in the previous version retain their shape animations. This happens in both the updated version and the public pro one.