[Released] Bone Breaker Fantasy Armor for Genesis 8 Males [Commercial]

As the title says, there's a new armor on the way, currently going through QA.
I tried to make it as flexible as possible so there's a lot of parts that can be hidden, moved a bit or resized to fit better different sized characters or armor looks.
- Comes with sword, dagger and 2 Geoshells for dirt and war paint with different colors and strengths for the dirt:
The dirt geoshell also comes with a second gloss setting which makes the dirt and skin look a bit shinier or sweatier, so your warrior will have something to show after a long day's worth of work breaking bones:
Since you can hide most parts of the armor, you can go from a heavy armor look to your classic barbarian. To help with that, there's 3 wearable presets included that equip and hide all necessary pieces for you:
It also looks pretty decent in different sizes. It comes with a lot of sliders so you can adapt the armor to most shapes with little distortion, all the supported shapes which include the Ogre, Hobgoblin and Dwarf were done using those sliders/controls alone. Most things and details can also be scaled up or down, so if you like a bigger pouch or a toothpick instead of a sheated sword, you can have it... well mostly anyway, there's some limits to prevent issues with rigged stuff and such.
It also renders *especially* well inside the ROG Crow Inn or fighting the Kadis armor (axe not included):
Anyway, hope you like it, more images later.
What's not to like?
This is awesome!
It's beautiful overall, but that helmet is something else! Truly awesome!
These look pretty cool!
I need this now.
I love the texturing detail you put into all your sets - fantastic work once again!
Awesome set. This looks like an instant buy for me.
Side view of the helmet, more or less... The white'ish horns have a few morphs for bending it a bit in a few directions, but the darker horns are rigged with bones, so you can manipulate and shape them anyway you want.
There's a few sliders for those horns with different coinfigurations that you can also blend, or you can just adjust the bones by hand.
Absolutely awesome work!
Will there be an option without horns? That would be very convenient.
@dankodanai_0815a7f74f - you can hide both horns if they displease you.
Definitely an instant buy. Amazing work!
Strangefate, thank you for answer!) I asked about the horns because i love all types of Chaos helmets like in this picture https://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/30/29584/thumb_620x2000/Capture.2.PNG
Also, version without horns is more historical accurate, but i understand the necessity of horned headwear in dark fantasy)
Looks great, especially the version without the skull.
Looking forward to this
This looks fantastic. Heavy Armoured Warrior, Barbarian, Light Armoured Tribal Warrior. They can all be done and will all look amazing
Angry goblins too!
Is the armor going to come with 3DL textures?
Nice! A kit basher's dream.
This is amazing! I live the texture on the guy too. I can tell I'll be lurking waiting for this.
What texture is that on the guy?
Wouldlike to see some different helmet option,maybe a future product.
@Damsel - It's just the default Dain 8 under the dirt and war paint.
And another promo with Kadis and the Dark Guard character wearing the armor:
Gorgeous promo! If you don't mind sharing, is this lit with an HDRI, a Sun/sky or did you create the lighting using a mix of lights? It's so bright and crisp with nice rim lighting too.
@pds - Hmm that one was lit by whatever was the default light source in the highlands product, which I think was the HDRI it comes with if I remember correctly, rotated so its sunlight would hit the scene from the right and then added a bluish emissive pane from the top left behind the characters, to get a bit of that blue sky effect from the other side, since the sunlight was dominating all the light a bit too much.
If you have the ROG Medieval Bedroom or Red Crow Inn you can just take the emissive discs by the windows from there for the lighting, which is what I always do for most renders and just change their temperature as needed to get warmer or cooler light.
@TRaceSL - I modeled a total of 10+ armors when I did this one. Only did 4 waist pieces tho, so the plan right now is to finish 3 more armors using the available waist pieces, then release everything else together as an armor addon pack of some sort, so you'd be able to mix and match to your heart's content. That plan depends a bit of course on the popularity of the armor, but since they're already fully modeled, I'll try to get them out one way or another in betweeen projects.
Thank you! I actually have the Highlands, haven't had a chance to play with it yet. This certainly is great reason to!
Damn. So I thought I would be done for a while and then this comes along.
Oh that hammer would hurt when it hit! What set is that from? And the ground they are standing on, may i ask what set that is from too?
@Linton - Ground is part of the Highlands product. Hammer is part of the Brutal weapons product. There's a Genesis 8 version of the Brutal weapons in the works with some new stuff added, so I wouldn't jump the gun on those now unless you want them for G3, or don't mind converting them to G8.
the shoulder guards remind me of the old Shadow
Cool, sounds great, looking fward to getting the armor