[SOLVED] LAMH Won't Install
I've purchased the regular version of LAMH and it won't install through the DIM. It downloads like normal and appears to install like normal. However, when it gets to my "installed" tab it automatically switches to "uninstall". It stays at "Uninstalling 0%" until I close DIM and open it back up at which time its back at the Ready to Install tab. And the process repeats. It does this for the Catalyzer as well and just for giggles, I tried the free player and run into the same issue.
I then just downloaded it manually and tried to install it that way and it appears to install but once I open Daz I can't find it anywhere. Its not under Panes, Create or in the "About Plugins" section under Help for me to put in my serial number.
If anyone has any thoughts, I'd appreciate the help. Thank you!
Try uninstalling the free player first (with DS closed), then install the regular version. Then start DS and go to Help > About Installed Plugins to enter the serial number.
Is Studio running when you try to install? Try it with Studio closed (make sure there are no Studio tasks running, sometimes it lingers).
Thank you for replying! I've done that. I had the Free Player uninstalled before I started this whole process. With all of them uninstalled, I've tried each one: Main Program, Catalyzer and Free Player and I run into the same issue. They appear to install then once I view them in the "Installed" tab, they automatically swtich their status to "Uninstalling 0%". I turn off DIM open it back up and whichever one I've tried installing is waiting in the "Ready to Be Installed" tab. :/
Open your DIM Helper Log and look for any error messages related to those installations.
Thank you guys for all the help. In the midst of trying the suggestions, I was able to get it to install. I think it had something to do with Daz being open while I was trying to install it.