What's with the "Download Daz Studio" link in the top menu?

I haven't had a "Download Daz Studio" item in the top menu for years. A couple of weeks (months?) ago it started appearing randomly. Same browser, same screen resolution, and once it's there for a few hours, then it's gone for a few hours. Then it's back again, then it's gone again.
Am I the only one?
Is this a site issue? Can this be fixed? I don't mind having it or not having it, but the menu randomly changing really bothers me. I know, first world problems. :D Still... Can this be fixed? :)
It might be some kind of A/B testing.
Shouldn't that be "some people get it, some don't"? :D Not the same person sometimes getting it and sometimes not? :D
It's really annoying. :(
I haven't been able to identify a pattern. I'm logged in, not even the IP address changes between the shown/not shown states. I have a tendency to check the forums every half an hour or so. Once the link is there (constantly for hours), then it's gone (again, constantly for hours). I have not logged in/out between the two, there was no "logging you out" message, I have not cleared cookies, I have not closed the browser. (Sometimes I do, obviously, but just yesterday I know the link wasn't there in the morning, and then poof, all of a sudden it appeared again in the afternoon. Now it's another day (PC was off for the night), it's still there, and I wonder when it will be gone.)
I've had it for probably a month if not more. I thought they added it to nab the newbies more easily.
I don't mind having it, as long as it's constantly there. :D
Am I really the only person for whom it keeps disappearing and reappearing?
Nope - I had it this morning and now it is gone again. Same browser, same computer. I was logged out by Daz inbetween times and changed my password again when the message came up (seems to be for everyone even if they had already changed it) about needing to change it - so I made it more complex. No Download at the top of the screen now Firefox 76. Just checked my Work laptop - it is still there - Chrome 80
I'm gonna have to download that one of these days, so I can render all the stuff I bought. Ooh! Shiny!
And it's gone again. It was there about half an hour ago. I have not logged out, I have not bought anything, I have not put anything in the cart. I'm on the same PC, same IP address, same browser, have not touched cookies or cache.
And five hours later, it's back again. Not logged out, not bought anything, nothing in the cart, etc.
What is there when it disappears? Just a blank space? Why is this a problem?
Sometimes I have seven text menus, sometimes only six.
It's a "problem" because of two reasons: 1, I doubt this is how it should work, so something is not working right. If this is not working right, I'm not sure what else is not working right because of it. 2, I probably have a slight case of OCD, and this constantly changing website appearance makes me feel very uneasy.
It was gone for quite a few weeks, I thought it was fixed, but it's back today, worse than ever: black text on a dark background: