looking for a field of flowers that will work with any ground shape {found & how it turned out}

Anyone know of a free or paid-for prouct that will generate a field of flowers on any ground surface?
Post edited by WillowRaven on
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Anyone know of a free or paid-for prouct that will generate a field of flowers on any ground surface?
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That just screams compliated, lol. Is it something I can figure out well enough to execute for a commissioned project within an hour?
There is also - https://www.daz3d.com/instances-plus-for-daz-studio I haven't used it for a while (haven't needed to) I recall it doing a good job of that sort of thingback when I did though and I don't think it was too painful to use!
You might want to check out these two vendor stores on Rendo -
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/vendor/ShaaraMuse3D (I use a lot of her stuff to bulk out plants in my scenes)
https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/vendor/Flink (be aware that while Flink has started to support Iray, their products still require being loaded from within the Poser file hierarchy...that doesn't mean they don't work...it's just an extra step)
Thanks ... I'll check it out. I avoid complicated to unhealthy levels.
I live in the poser file, so that wouldn't be a problem. Iray would be, though. I'll check 'em both out. Thanks :)
If I don't like compliated, I definitely don't see me learning a new software in an hour or two, lol.
I went with this because it sorta looks less minnumbing ... hope I'm right, lol. Do you recomend any tutorials, preferably YouTube?
I have both scripts, but I would have said ultrascatter would be a better choice for a field of grass. Instances plus really struggles with very large numbers of instances (ie more than a few hundred), but for a field of grass and other plants, you often need thousands, or even tens of thousands of instances, and ultrascatter is much better for that.
instances plus also only does flat surface if I recall too, Ultrascatter populates an object
LOL both tend to overwhelm my computer very quickly whereas Carrara AND Bryce I can do the same thing with fewer clicks and crashes, just saying
DAZ studio is strictly for those with incredible computers nowadays
Poser has a new scatter script for it too at Hivewire3D
Naturally I'd pick the wrong one, lol. Luckily, I likely only need a few hundred andelions on a ground surface that alreay has grass, and it's a small, but important, portion of the book cover's art. I'm thankful for the daz browser thingy beause it's helping me to searh past forum posts mentioning it and some nice person made a video (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ANMuCrQFJX7bf3E&cid=AED1D73F6FDF6450&id=AED1D73F6FDF6450%2118406&parId=AED1D73F6FDF6450%21151&o=OneUp). I haven't watched it yet, but if it helps me o this tonight, I'll shout it from the rooftops since it appears it came with no instrutions whatsoever, lol. See how a good promo can lead a person astray so easily? lol.
I've only got Daz and Hex, and use hex only for one thing (told ya'll I hate learning new software, lol). The few seconds of the video I have watched implies it will work on a varied-height surface. Does USP come with instructions? That may be the final perk if this video I found doesn't do the trick.
USP comes with a very good pdf and can usually get pretty quick answers in the commerical thread. I have never used the other one so I cant help with that one.
We covered the UltraScatterPro topic when you wanted to do a scene with a bunch of penguins. It seems like a tool you need to invest in and learn. Then you wouldn't get in this bind every time a new project comes up. Just do it!
Amazingly, in thirteen years, I've only had this come up twice. I keep hoping an easier to use tool will come along.
It's not that hard to use.
In this field, it really behooves people to be willing to put a little effort into learning to use tools; it pays big dividends.
It's just hard to find the time. My deadlines are very demaning and I barely have time to do the work much less take time to learn something I only need two or three times in a decade. It's usually easier to paint it. It's usually a matter of time vs learning curve. I just happened to buy the wrong one today. But the video really helped.
Watching the video again, it looks like maybe I bought the right one after all. The narrator is saying IP+ can work in mid air, like for birds and such, where USP needs a surface. So maybe I lucked out. Now watch me never need it again, lol.
It's working ... And once I watched the video, it was pretty easy. Just had to find the video. Thanks, guys :) I'll post the scene that caused me all this stress when I'm done :)
I have both products. UltraScatterPro can scatter things in mid air (inside any volume you select). UltraScatterPro is much newer, much less buggy in my opinion, and actively maintained by the PA. I gave up on Instances Plus long before the first UltraScatter came out, because of the bugs I continually ran into. I hope it works out OK for your needs, though. You many not push it as hard as I tried to.
I must admit, I am liking the Instances Plus+ script. I don't know how often I'll use it, but I am having fun with it.
also it puzzles me how people are willing to jump through hoops and create a yoke for themselves doing stuff that Carrara and Bryce do natively
all because using a not so new but new to them is too hard compared to using a software lacking capabilities that need to be added by third parties and require more work.
Last I knew, Neither Bryce nor Carrara are free. When one's sole income is the artwork they make, limiting their budget to as few programs possible to get the desired result is likely why. I know it is for me. And again, time is money. If I need to take months to learn a new program I've lost thousands of dollars in valuable work time.
Question, barbult ... One I build all these thousands of flowers in my seen, can I select them all and convert them to a single prop or object?
I'm glad to hear that Instances Plus is working for you.
You are building instances. You could use the Instances to Objects script product to convert them to objects, but they will not be a single object. Instances are very memory efficient. Objects are not. If you convert thousands of instances to objects, your computer will likely crash.
You can group the instances. Try Edit>Object>Instances>Group Like Sibling Instances. I don't know if that works with instances created by Instances Plus or not, though. UltraScatterPro creates the instances already grouped, so I haven't had to deal with this particular issue much.
I am able to group them. In order to avoid covering entire ground area I started making smaller boxes to place the flowers in. Does this work the same way or similar to sending in the clones? I bought that years ago and never could figure it out. Is there a way to over-ride the scale limit?
Thanks for all the help guys, for this and almost every project over the years :) Here is the project's turnout ...
^Cool :)
Nice juxtaposition of the winter + summer sides
Love tiddles the cat. Looks to be a bit big for a lap though.
Great job with the cover & the author likes it too: https://www.rachelneumeier.com/2020/06/01/tuyo-cover/
How do you do the signature?
How do you do the signature?
Thanks :) Tiddles? Yeah ... not much of a lap kitty, lol. Rachel is awesome. I've created several covers for her over the years. I'm already commissioned to do the sequel to Tuyo. :)
I do a lot of post-work in photoshop and add it there.
Thanks. The first version of the cover was just winter. The plan from the beginning was the winter/summer setting, but a contest Rachel wanted to participate in had to be ready faster than we expected, so some may have copies with the first scene.