How do I make two morph sliders 'reverse' another?
I googled my question and I didn't find any answers, although I'm not sure how to call it either.
Basically, I have two morph sliders, both go from 0% to 100%. I want to 'connect' them somehow, so when I put Slider 1 to 100%, Slider 2 goes to 0%, and when I put Slider 1 to 0%, Slider 2 goes to 100%. How do I do that?
I've never tried this, but I *think* you need to use ERC Freeze to create 2 properties, and set one of the Scalar values to -1. I'm sorry I'm a bit short on detail, but hopefully someone can fill in the gaps.
Hi Guys, a duplicate post of an observation in another thread ...
If you're tying to put together complex sequences of bits of a rig (or multiple rigs) translating, scaling, rotating and morphing in concert, a way, way, way easier way to do it than setting all that up on a timeline and then doing an ERC freeze, is to just create an empty property, drag in the necessary elements in the property heriarchy and, (for what I'm doing) set them all up as linear keyed attibutes and then just write the keys on a step through of the main slider, using as much or a little detail as is needed. 100% control. Easy-peasy "test, learn and refine". 0% timeline aggravation!
So, to answer AlexanderPreuss1 ...
Have fun experimenting. Lx
One option is to create two extra properties, one of which will be the controller and one of which will be a constant always at 100&. Use regular ERC Freeze to link the controller to one of your morphs, then in the proeprty Hierarchy drag the constant prioeprty into the first stage additive and the controller into subtract. Hide everyting but the controller.