"Store credits amount" for purchasing products and the like

in The Commons
Hello everybody!
Since some countries like Brazil, the purchase of products made by paypal using their credits,
have been blocked for foreign currencies, however there are some 3D website services that allow the use of their
"Store credits amount", for the purchase of utilities , plug-ins, Merchants Resource, such as morphs, skins and others with characters.
Here is this idea for those who want to purchase a certain product and cannot afford it because of this limitation.
This would certainly increase the volume of sales even more, in addition to controlling purchases.
Cheers !!
Anderson - Gendragon3D
Please, help me!
Some people purchase gift cards and send them to themselves. Is that an option for you?
Could try contacting the Store via CS and asking about how to send them money to put on your account.
Don't post to bump a thread.
I believe that the "gift cards" option is good!
I'll try this! Thank you for your help