Welcome Biscuits to Daz!

xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,064
edited May 2020 in The Commons

Biscuits, who has made lots of great hair, clothes, and other utilities, debuts at Daz with her Biscuits Jam Hair and Texture Expansion. Welcome, Madam, and thank you for all the hair!

Please check her out if she's new to you. She has some unique offerings. And don't hesitate to share renders of your own with her products.

Post edited by xyer0 on


  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    Good news. Biscuits was very helpful when I was having a torrid time trying to get the VWD cloth sim to work (never did, by the way). And her products seem top notch.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,064

    Crow Hair by Biscuits


  • hfilbhfilb Posts: 63

    We certainly need a new PA on the level of Linday when it comes to simulated hairs. The new product looks pretty great, hope to get it soon. Perhaps someone can say for certain if there is a side part morph?

  • MasterstrokeMasterstroke Posts: 2,053

    "Welcome Biscuits to Daz!"
    Finally, that was about time ;-)

  • DarkSpartanDarkSpartan Posts: 1,096

    Just picked up the Biscuits hair :)

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I have some Biscuit items, so definitely welcoming her to Daz; I guess too, that dforce hair is my thing, despite mostly using Blender so I'll be trying it out.

  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,990
    edited May 2020

    Hii Biscuits!

    Nice to see You made the jump to hair with added dForce and I hope many people here will buy Your stuff (old and new) ;)

    I did that "How to dForce Gili Hair" over at Rendo ;)

    gili hair.jpg
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  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624
    edited May 2020

    Hii Biscuits!

    Nice to see You made the jump to hair with added dForce and I hope many people here will buy Your stuff (old and new) ;)

    I did that "How to dForce Gili Hair" over at Rendo ;)

    Wait what! I havent seen this "How to dForce Gili Hair" were is it located?

    • Welcome to Daz Biscuits!!!!

    1729 x 1564 - 2M
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  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,990
    Daventaki said:

    Hii Biscuits!

    Nice to see You made the jump to hair with added dForce and I hope many people here will buy Your stuff (old and new) ;)

    I did that "How to dForce Gili Hair" over at Rendo ;)

    Wait what! I havent seen this "How to dForce Gili Hair" were is it located?

    • Welcome to Daz Biscuits!!!!

    snet you a message with the link to my Rendo gallery post where I kinda explained it ;)

  • DigiDotzDigiDotz Posts: 515

    Loving Jam hair! Cheers ;-)

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172

    Finally Bissy! Congrats!! laughheart


  • Valery3DValery3D Posts: 105

    I am so proud of you Biscuits!! Love your products and your new dforce hair is Amazing!! You rock!! Glad to see you here. 

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    Great, I have many of her products released at the other store.


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,784
    While I could care less what store a PA sells at, I am a fan of biscuits products, so I am always thrilled to see new products. Love the new hair.
  • lana_lasslana_lass Posts: 520

    I hadn't heard of Biscuits before today. Of course, seriously impressed by the Jam hair and when I clicked into the product page and saw it was a "new" artist my mind was immediately like, "Yeah, ok, this person is definitely not new to this craft!!" Such beautiful, high quality work, so it makes perfect sense that they're already an established artist. Wonderful to have him/her as part of the Daz store! laughheart

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,515

    Wonderful news; welcome, Biscuits! smiley

  • SempieSempie Posts: 658
    lana_lass said:

    I hadn't heard of Biscuits before today. Of course, seriously impressed by the Jam hair and when I clicked into the product page and saw it was a "new" artist my mind was immediately like, "Yeah, ok, this person is definitely not new to this craft!!" Such beautiful, high quality work, so it makes perfect sense that they're already an established artist. Wonderful to have him/her as part of the Daz store! laughheart

    I have some of her older hairdos.

    Excellent stuff.

    To get an idea what she can do:


  • I think I first came across Biscuits with Skyrim mods, assuming all the same person (because I have no idea, but the Skyrim stuff was really cool).

    Definitely paid attention when she started doing more new stuff/less V4/M4 over at the other store.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Welcome, Biscuits.  Enjoyed some plugin tutorials by Biscuits.  Looking forward to some wonderful developments with the daz store.

  • BiscuitsBiscuits Posts: 23
    edited May 2020

    I’m flabbergasted by this warm welcome!

    Thank you so much for your kind words!

    Didn’t expect it at all, This so made my day!

    It took me a long time figuring out how to make dForce hair and building up the confidence to create DS content.

    But I had amazing help from my incredible talented friend, who’s support and faith was never withering! Thank you Val!

    And thank you all for this amazingness!

    Post edited by Biscuits on
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Hey Lady, nice to see you here! Congrats on the hair, lovin' it!

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Welcome.  A lot of us shop at Rendo so we're familiar with your work.  This new hair fits nicely between a couple of other popular ones.  Look forward to more and hope to see some clothing too!

  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721

    Long overdue.

    Good luck Biscuits. Love your hair at Rendo
  • BiscuitsBiscuits Posts: 23
    hfilb said:

    We certainly need a new PA on the level of Linday when it comes to simulated hairs. The new product looks pretty great, hope to get it soon. Perhaps someone can say for certain if there is a side part morph?

    Hey hfilb, the actual part is in the middle, but there are flip to side presets, so the hair can morph over the head to the other side. :)


  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    Welcome Biscuits! 

  • hfilbhfilb Posts: 63
    Biscuits said:
    hfilb said:

    We certainly need a new PA on the level of Linday when it comes to simulated hairs. The new product looks pretty great, hope to get it soon. Perhaps someone can say for certain if there is a side part morph?

    Hey hfilb, the actual part is in the middle, but there are flip to side presets, so the hair can morph over the head to the other side. :)


    Thanks for letting me know. Looks great! :)

  • jd641jd641 Posts: 459
    Biscuits said:

    I’m flabbergasted by this warm welcome!

    Thank you so much for your kind words!

    Didn’t expect it at all, This so made my day!

    It took me a long time figuring out how to make dForce hair and building up the confidence to create DS content.

    But I had amazing help from my incredible talented friend, who’s support and faith was never withering! Thank you Val!

    And thank you all for this amazingness!

    I'm reeeeaaaalllly glad to see you're going to be a vendor here, one of the things I truely missed from Poser was my go to products from my favorite vendors like you. Now you're here and as a newer user of Studio myself, I really appreciate familiar names. Especially ones from amazing talents like yourself. :)

  • FerretmaniaFerretmania Posts: 883

    Welcome Biscuits! I am so happy to finally see you as a vendor here!

    Your hair looks stunning and I can't wait to try it out.

  • billyben_0077a25354billyben_0077a25354 Posts: 771
    edited June 2020

    Welcome Biscuits.  Thank you for Jam hair.  Finally a dForce hair that actually does what I want it to do.  I hope to see many more dForce hair products from you.

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    Post edited by billyben_0077a25354 on
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