Always discovering new stuff in Daz Studio

in The Commons
I've been using DS forever. At least 10 years, on and off. And there's still a ton of stuff I don't know about. For years I've been grousing about having to go back and forth, saving wearables to the Content Library and Saves to the Save Folder, and having to navigate through the directory structure with the File Explorer dialog. Then a couple days ago I realized that's what the little plus button in the Content Library window is for; it saves stuff right to the window you're looking at, in any format you want, so you can use the File>Save menu to take you to whatever project you're working on.
It's already saving me a bunch of time.
Lol isn't it funny how certain things that some people have known forever are reveltoty to others?
I did know about the plus sign, but until yesterday I didn't know control+shift clicking on a parents "eyeball" in the scene tab hid all of its children. That's amazing and such a time saver!
I didn't know that one either. Good tip, that will save some time. You probably know about Shift-click and CTRL-click to get custom options when loading poses? That can save some time, too, by skipping loading Pose Controls, for example. That can make a difference when you've got a heavy figure, or a figure loaded with conformers or whatever.
I didn't know any of that and I've been using it about 5 years now. smh.
Never noticed that one before either. Another one many don't seem to know is loading an object by dragging it into the scene with Alt pressed, then you can place it where you want.
Taoz, I never knew you could load stuff into DS by dragging it into the window (even from Windows Explorer) until relatively recently - like a year ago. Go figure. Didn't know about holding Alt until you told me. :)
Just gave me the idea to try this on an objects "selectable" checkmark, it actually works for that also so all that all body parts can be made unselectable with one click.
The cmd/ctrl-click to affect all children is actually a fairly new feature.
A big part of the reason I've always loved groups is because I can turn visibility on/off for all of a group's children with a single click. But the other remains - parenting conformers to a figure just makes the hierarchy a mess. Sometimes you can't/shouldn't convert a prop to a conformer and have to leave it in the hierarchy, but otherwise...
Perrsonally, CTRL-click for vis will be really good for scene stuff.
Doesn't seem to work with "Visibility in Simulation " though. When I turn it off for the group and then check the individual items, each one is still visible. So I usually have to select the group and all of its children.
Speaking of ALT, many people don't know the old Poser legacy holdover - ALT+left-click on any parameter slider resets it to zero (or the memorised state). Also works for material channels in Surfaces.
I didn’t know that was an old Poser trick. I use that like crazy. It also works on PowerPose: select a node, then click it again while holding Alt, and it resets all parameters.
how many of you know you can drag image files from explorer onto your surface parameters!
eg Diffuse, bump etc
I actually assumed it coming from iClone 3 in 2009 and was surprised others didn't know.
edit to clarify, to the left side where you click to browse for texture maps not the slider
get out.
I also use this all the time but it can be annoying in that it often takes two or three clicks to register.
Some wonderful short cuts I did not know about! Thank you all!
Does anyone think a manual would hold this sort of info? Be nice if there was one & it did, wouldn't it?
Welll learnt some thing here
That is one very good reason why we users need a manual!
Not having one is the one thing which annoys me the most!
I always have to learn this one all over again. By the time I've forgotten it, the problem rears its head again.
Ya but most of us don't even read the ReadMe's for products how many would actually read a manual?
The readmes aren't easy to find unless you use the Daz Deals add-on. Besides, that's not an excuse.
Agreed. not opposed to there being one, I just know i'll probably never use it since I don't look at readmes and tend to delete documentation files out of my DS install..
For items you have purchased you can get to the read me:
I don't need that. I either use the link provided by Daz Deals, or, if in DS, I click to bring up the Daz browser. What's needed is that Daz provides a link on the product page for customers who don't have Daz Deals installed, so that they can read it before making a purchase.
Not so irritated about the manual, but the context sensitive help is like, hover over a tab and the "help" says "This is a tab." Oh, thanks a lot, very informative! :-)
You can find them easily from the Help link on the main page (Shop Technology Galleries Forums Blog Help) -> Wiki Documents -> Product Read Me's (under Main Topics). The Product Index is grouped by 1000's, then sorted alphabetically. You know the SKU, you know the product name.
I didn't know it or I forgot it in some point.
At another site's forum they have a thread called the "The D'oh! Thread" where people contribute their "D'oh!" moments where they discovered some features of the software that they didn't know existed... over the years its accumulated enough info for them to have compiled an eBook... it would be cool to see something like that for DS.
But I guess searching the internet for random information is part of the fun and adventure of CG art.
This is an older thread, but it has some great tips. There are probably others like it floating around the forums: