Can anyone recognize this hair?

in The Commons
Anything similar will do too, a hair that is long and allows adding streaks like in this pic

1000 x 1300 - 506K
Maybe Ajax Hair for G3F might work.
This hair looks similar You can't add streaks like in that photo, but maybe you could load the hair twice and hid some of the parts?
Just send a sitemail to secondcircle. You should get an answer quickly.
In the meantime, you can do this with prae's Emerie hair from Rendo. I came across this by accident, since it's not mentioned anywhere on the product page.
Could it be the old Spartacos Hair? By StudioArtVartanian on Rendero?
I was searching vor an other Hair, and it was the sissy hair, and so I came to this suggestion. But you can ask the artist on Rendero or on Deviantart ;)
Here a test render. Of course not the right texture ;)