Saving Iray environment settings
in The Commons
Is there any way to save Iray environment settings after loading and tweaking an HDRI map, as a prest or a scene? Every time I build a scene and add an HDRI and try to save it as a scene all I get is the default environment map when I reopen the scene.
Should be able to save any render settings you change. After you make the changes just go to File >> Save As >> Render Settings Preset.
If you save it as a scene, it should be recording the render settings along with it.
Are you saving as a full scene or a scene subset (the latter won't save render settings)?
As Divamakeup says, you can save render settings presets for use in other scenes too, but if a scene file isn't saving the render presets along with it, something funny is going on.
something funny is going on.
I've been having that issue for a while.
AND the box is checked to save scene settings.
I was able to save it as Divamakeup said but for some reason when I used the File >> Save As >> Render Settings Preset, it sent the file to my old My Library location. When I save a full scene it does not save the current environment map, but everything else in the scene does save. Maybe it is placing the the environment map on my old hard drive also.
yeah mine reverts to the default map too and I have one I prefer I put in the same folder
I saved a render preset, everything else sticks
When you save a Render Settings Preset you should be able to navigate to wherever you want to save it.
Go into Edit>Preferences and the Scene sub-tab. The Render Settings tickboxes at the bottom define whether the settings are saved in a scene, and whether they're read from a saved scene.
Doesn't work that way — saved scenes (also scene subsets and presets) never contain image maps, only links pointing to the map files. For the default HDRI, that's in the D|S program resources folder; for any other HDRI you load into the Environment parameter slot (either manually or with a Render Settings preset), it ought to be somewhere in your /Runtime/Textures/ folder. These files do not move once they've been installed.
So, in the preferences menu where I check the save render settings with scene and uncheck ignore when opening scene is the way it should be done correct. If you simply try to import render settings into a current scene that is already open is not possible correct?
There really isn't such a thing as "the way it should be done", what's important is "what works for you". I use the same settings for those two tickboxes, but not everyone will work the same way.
As far as I know, yes. You can save render settings as a separate preset, but I don't think it's possible to cherry-pick settings from a saved scene without loading the whole scene.
Well, the setting to record render settings when saving a scene has always been on, but my environment maps also do not save. Which messes up the HDRI lighting I've tweaked to get it the way I want it.
My setup: I render from three different machines that share a common runtime. So, as long as any files/images are in the runtime structure, they should be found by any of the machines. But DS does not say anything is missing when I load a saved scene. And the missing environment map happens even if the scene was only ever saved/opened on one machine.
This sounds like a bug to me.
...I've saved scene subsets and they retain the environment/tone mapping settings when I open them again.
Of course, when I go to do an actual test, it works as expected. But so many times otherwise, it doesn't. Head>Wall.