Texture Heavens Preset creating

LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817


I found this some months ago already:


but I have no idea how I create a good preset with the products from it, they give all materials as seperate products so I can not just 1 click them. The best would be maybe to add them all to some example thing?

But I have no idea how Shader Presets are made, i know how to make a material preset :D But that is so far I know then connected to that product.

Whats the most easy way to do it correct? Also do i need to aadjust bump/normal Map strenght and that all?



  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited June 2020

    Its similar to Mat presets, select a surface, (using a primitive works), in the surfaces tab add the textures maps bump spec etc, change settings to suit and then save as Shader preset and save to the DS directory.

    Post edited by scorpio on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,784

    The main difference between the material and shader preset is the shader preset is generic and applies to any and all surfaces selected, but for simple presets like these, i have had both work.  Bascially, you download the tiles you want to use, then load a primitive and then apply the textures you want in the appropriate slots. tweak the settings till you are happy with them and save as a shader or material preset

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    So every shader would need special adjusting?

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561

    well yes, you would need to set up a new shader for every set of textures you download from texture haven. (If that's what youre asking)

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited June 2020

    and adjusting everything, I assume I can not just use the images and thats it, need to adjust glossyness, bump strenght, and that all?

    maybe I can first load a basic texture/wood/metal shader, then exchange the images to the textureheaven version?

    To have a base preset how the dials could be.

    Post edited by Loony on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    If you aren't bothered about how they look then you can just use the images if the end results matter you will need to alter the settings to make sure they look how you want them to.

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561
    edited June 2020
    Loony said:

    and adjusting everything, I assume I can not just use the images and thats it, need to adjust glossyness, bump strenght, and that all?

    maybe I can first load a basic texture/wood/metal shader, then exchange the images to the textureheaven version?

    To have a base preset how the dials could be.

    It will depend.  You might not need to make many adjustments so could probably just use basic Daz Uber shader as base.  For complicated materials, you could you can use another shader as a base, but most basic shader presets arent very complicated anyway and are usually only using the standard albedo/base colour, metallicity, roughness, glossiness, normal, displacement etc.

    The materials on texture haven seem designed to only need to maps they supply you with.  So you shouldnt need to change glossiness etc unless it gives you a glossiness map. But at the same time, you might think you want the material to be more glossy, at which point you can make that adjustment.

    Note: Many of the texture sets come with Displacement Maps.  you might need to play with Displacement SubD and displacement distance to get it to look the way you want.

    Post edited by lilweep on
  • markusmaternmarkusmatern Posts: 563
    edited June 2020

    Here is an example for Iray rendering using the Iray Uber shader.

    Try the following for the texture https://texturehaven.com/tex/?c=sandstone&t=medieval_blocks_05:

    1) In DAZ Studio create a primitive plane (Menu → Create → New Primitive...) with Size 50 cm and 200 Divisions

    2) Select the plane and open the Surfaces tab. Now plug in the textures from Texture Haven into the appropriate Iray Uber shader slots like shown in the images

    2a) Diffuse → Base Color

    2b) Roughness → Glossy Roughness (Tweak the value if necessary)

    2c) Bump → Base Bump (Tweak the value if necessary)

    2d) Normal → Normal Map

    2e) Tweak the value for Glossy Layered Weight if necessary

    Setup for Texture Haven stone textures for Iray Uber shader part 1

    Optional for close up shots:

    3a) Displacement → Displacement Strength (also tweak the value itself)

    3b) Tweak the values for Minimum Displacement, Maximum Displacement and the SubD Displacement Level, when e.g. your geometry has not enough vertices


    This is how the rendered plane looks when the Displacement map is used

    Example result for the texture medieval_blocks_05 from Texture Haven rendered with Iray and DAZ Studio

    1253 x 1500 - 298K
    1253 x 1500 - 231K
    1024 x 1024 - 2M
    Post edited by markusmatern on
  • LucielLuciel Posts: 475

    It seems like a useful site! 

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817


    Thanks for the tutorial, I will bookmark it and try it when I find a free head to understand all ^_^



  • markusmaternmarkusmatern Posts: 563

    Luciel said:

    Luciel said:

    It seems like a useful site! 

    It definitely is, but there are others like https://cc0textures.com


    Loony said:

    Loony said:


    Thanks for the tutorial, I will bookmark it and try it when I find a free head to understand all ^_^

    You are welcome! If you have any questions just ask!

  • markusmaternmarkusmatern Posts: 563
    edited June 2020

    Here is a second example for Iray rendering using the Iray Uber shader.

    Try the following for the texture https://cc0textures.com/view?id=PavingStones054:

    1) In DAZ Studio create a primitive plane (Menu → Create → New Primitive...) with Size 50 cm and 200 Divisions

    2) Select the plane and open the Surfaces tab. Now plug in the textures from Texture Haven into the appropriate Iray Uber shader slots like shown in the images

    2a) Color → Base Color

    2b) Roughness → Glossy Roughness (Tweak the value if necessary)

    2c) Normal → Normal Map

    2d) Tweak the value for Glossy Layered Weight if necessary

    Setup for cc0textures stone textures for Iray Uber shader part 1

    Optional for close up shots:

    3a) Displacement → Displacement Strength (also tweak the value itself)

    3b) Tweak the values for Minimum Displacement, Maximum Displacement and the SubD Displacement Level, when e.g. your geometry has not enough vertices

    Setup for cc0textures stone textures for Iray Uber shader part 2

    4) Fix non square aspect ratio of texture:
        Most of the times textures are square and thus have an ascpect ration of 1:1. For this example however the texture is 2791 pixels wide and 4096 pixels high for the 4K version of the texture. However the Iray Uber shader expects a square texture. To fix the distortion you can do the following:

    4a) Set either the Horizontal Tiles value to 1.467574346112504  This is calculated by 4096 / 2791

    4b) Set the Vertical Tiles value to 0.681396484375 This is calculated by 2791 / 4096

    This is how the rendered plane looks when the Displacement map is used and one of the above aspect ratio fixes has been applied. In this case however it is not really noticable when you don't fix the aspect ratio!

    xample result for the texture PavongStones054 from cc0textures rendered with Iray and DAZ Studio

    1250 x 1500 - 346K
    1250 x 1500 - 270K
    1024 x 1024 - 2M
    Post edited by markusmatern on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Maybe you start to convert them ALL and make some kind of cooperation with them? :D Maybe you can get some of the Patreon money as reward for it :) So all Daz3d users can get them easy to use ^^.

    Just as an idea :)

    Or can I maybe Hire you to convert them all :D

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,784
    edited June 2020
    Loony said:

    Maybe you start to convert them ALL and make some kind of cooperation with them? :D Maybe you can get some of the Patreon money as reward for it :) So all Daz3d users can get them easy to use ^^.

    Just as an idea :)

    Or can I maybe Hire you to convert them all :D

    Seriously? He just showed you what to do with them. There are numerous Iray sets in the store that have way more options than what texturehaven has to offer.

    Post edited by FSMCDesigns on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited June 2020

    I offered him a way to earn some money... SO yes I am serious O_o

    Thats how life works... selling our time.

    I wanna buy his time ;) I could give him Daz3d giftcards :)


    I can watch a tutorial how to create EASY a Logo OR I just hire someone, because time.

    Post edited by Loony on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Luciel said:

    It seems like a useful site! 

    I'm a patreon. He produces great work. The detail is amazing.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,496

    Maybe this product is what you are looking for? Multi Map Loader

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561
    Loony said:

    I offered him a way to earn some money... SO yes I am serious O_o

    Thats how life works... selling our time.

    I wanna buy his time ;) I could give him Daz3d giftcards :)


    I can watch a tutorial how to create EASY a Logo OR I just hire someone, because time.

    while he is at it can he also do all of https://3dtextures.me/

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited June 2020

    Oh another source:o

    But that looks very special like objects :D


    MelanieL said:

    Maybe this product is what you are looking for? Multi Map Loader


    Hmmm... I am not sure if that would do the finetuning. I would prefer a Real human eye who take the time to adjust it and finetune it, like I said I would support it.


    Post edited by Loony on
  • markusmaternmarkusmatern Posts: 563
    Loony said:
    Hmmm... I am not sure if that would do the finetuning. I would prefer a Real human eye who take the time to adjust it and finetune it, like I said I would support it.

    I think it is all about the tuning. But not in a generic way but tuned for the exact scene you are working on. For example you have to decide about the resolution of the initial maps 1K, 2K, 4K or even higher.

    Then you have to decide about using bump and normal and height map or only one of them and maybe in a different resolution. Do you want to use JPG or PNG maps and maybe the 16 bit variants? This can make a huge difference for close up shots for the height map. But only when you have enough geometry.

    This gets quickly out of hand in terms of possible combinations. So I think it is better to have a basic recipe and tune it for yourself for your specific purpose.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    hmm, I never made that :o Only maybe adjusted glossiness. Or Displacement to make things more filled/thicker.

    Did yu thinked about, the idea to make a base version of the textures for daz3d? A Premade set.

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561

    my dude, it's not that hard to just plug in the maps. just download and use the ones you need as you need them rather than expecting someone to make a library of them.

    as cool as it would be if someone with way too much time on their hands packaged them all for Daz, thats probably not going to happen.

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172
    edited June 2020

    True, it's honestly not that difficult. Once you learn how to do it, it goes very fast and it's a skill you'll probably want to have. There's certain things you don't really need to know for Daz Studio like maybe rigging, but tweaking materials is something everyone should learn who uses the software IMVHO, time or no time. Make the time. It's going to benefit you in the end.


    Post edited by AllenArt on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    well, I do restyle a lot objects using cute shaders and all, but, I never used diffuse/bump maps.

    I always just work with the base color/image and the cutout map.

  • markusmaternmarkusmatern Posts: 563
    Loony said:

    hmm, I never made that :o Only maybe adjusted glossiness. Or Displacement to make things more filled/thicker.

    Did yu thinked about, the idea to make a base version of the textures for daz3d? A Premade set.

    As I stated above there are just too many possibillities for even a single texture. Much less all the textures from the mentioned free sites. I can't do that.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Okay :/


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