How do I use the Yosemite 2 HDR?

I've used a few HDRI images so far. But this one is somehow different and doesn't work the way I expect.

I load it and get nothing but darkness, as if the dome were blocking off the light, rather than emitting any light.

What am I doing wrong?


  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749

    I don't think those are true HDRs for Iray. I had that issue too when I bought them a couple of years ago. They where released pre-Iray, I think, and so are probably more for 3Delight rendering.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    I have both packs 1 & 2 Its a non iray product rather older one . its renders in 3Delight, in Daz Studio 

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,496

    There used to be Iray presets created by Cauri Blackthorne (or one of her incarnations) but they seem to have disappeared.

    Best suggestion I've seen (apart from that) was "from the horses mouth" here

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    It looks pretty good in 3delight all the same,  I did this a while back with pak2 set


  • lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818

    Thanks, y'all!

    Ya. I tried it in 3Delight and it worked. First time I ever made 3Delight render.

    Now, I suppose if I put IRay objects in the scene, I could just do 2 renders and merge 'em PhotoShop.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    The product does include .hdr just need to navigate to them manually from your Environment settings tab. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908

    Actually to use them as HDRs you need to set them as the Environment Map in the Editor tab of the Render Settings pane.

  • lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818

    Ah yes, melissjames and Richard, the product does include .hdr type HDR's that can be applied to the IRay envornoment map. But in this particular product, those .hdr files are in the Poser version of the product. So ya gotta download/install the Poser version to get them. Just a crucial detail needed by newbies like me.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited June 2020

    Double click on the one you want to use. When it loads select it in the scene tab, go to the surfaces tab Diffuse channel click on the map tab and find the image that is used there. Go to the Environment tab, click on the map tab and load the diffuse map you just found in there. Go to the scene tab and delete the Yosemite domes. I use them a lot in Iray this way.

    This one uses the same one as Ivy used. Another one.

    Post edited by Fishtales on
  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,843
    edited June 2020

    Go to the "Environment" part of your render settings. On the Environment map, browse to My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Textures\DimensionTheory\HDRProSets\Yosemite. Choose one of the DT-YosemiteHDRn.hdr files, for example DT-YosemiteHDR10.hdr

    As noted, they aren't really designed for normal Iray use, coming from an earlier era. In particular, they don't generate a lot of light. This is OK for the ones that are in woodland, but for the more open ones you'll need to add a distant light to act as the sun.

    One way to do that is to create a camera at 0,0,0. Using Iray preview mode, look through the camera and point it at the sun. Now create a distant light, parent it to the camera, set its Y Rotate to 180 and X & Z rotates to 0.  Adjust the light's Luminous Flux (in the Parameters Tab) till it gives you enough light.

    Post edited by chris-2599934 on
  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,324
    Fishtales said:

    Double click on the one you want to use. When it loads select it in the scene tab, go to the surfaces tab Diffuse channel click on the map tab and find the image that is used there. Go to the Environment tab, click on the map tab and load the diffuse map you just found in there. Go to the scene tab and delete the Yosemite domes. I use them a lot in Iray this way.

    This one uses the same one as Ivy used. Another one.

    @Fishtales, each time I tried to click on your 'Another one.' link I got a window to report the entry to the moderators. Not sure why. But I thought I should make you aware that something is iffy on your link.

    Folks, thank you for the info on Yosemite, I bought it when I was new to DS and even today, I forget and then get frustrated by it. I really need to practice, practice, and practice again until I remember how to use it in Iray.


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    Fishtales said:

    Double click on the one you want to use. When it loads select it in the scene tab, go to the surfaces tab Diffuse channel click on the map tab and find the image that is used there. Go to the Environment tab, click on the map tab and load the diffuse map you just found in there. Go to the scene tab and delete the Yosemite domes. I use them a lot in Iray this way.

    This one uses the same one as Ivy used. Another one.

    @Fishtales, each time I tried to click on your 'Another one.' link I got a window to report the entry to the moderators. Not sure why. But I thought I should make you aware that something is iffy on your link.

    Folks, thank you for the info on Yosemite, I bought it when I was new to DS and even today, I forget and then get frustrated by it. I really need to practice, practice, and practice again until I remember how to use it in Iray.


    Fixed it. The mouse must have moved and I used the Flag link instead of the one above it which is the comment link. Thank you.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852

    I just tried to use them in Iray. The DS download has .tif files. Used the Environment Map dialog and navigated to DimnsionTheory's folder and clicked the tif file. They can work if you install manually.


    APC-inyosemitebdite copy.jpg
    1300 x 553 - 243K
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    I just tried to use them in Iray. The DS download has .tif files. Used the Environment Map dialog and navigated to DimnsionTheory's folder and clicked the tif file. They can work if you install manually.

    @FirstBastion, how does this work?  I have the Yosemite pack 1, and it has 2 tif files per image, a DT-YosemiteENV3.tif and a DT-YosemiteHDR3.tif, and neither seems to illuminate the scene?

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852

    It was few weeks back so I'm trying to remember if I may have increased the environment intensity to 2 and set the dome mode to Infinite sphere.  You can see a hint of shadow cast by the APC, but that may be the limit of the illumination. I was just checking to see if a tif file could work as a background for a render. Always like to put some of the older content to use.

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