Help Identifying a (probably) Genesis 8 Male Character

in The Commons
I've looked, but I can't find him. Anyone know what character this is?

713 x 967 - 61K
Looks like either DarwinsMishaps or InTheFlesh's work.
Did the image come from a store product? If so, which one? That might help.
EDIT: He reminds me somewhat of Andre by VincentXyooj, but not quite.
Might be a mix of characters, depending.
I agree with Gordig. I think it could be InTheFlesh's Nero. (Gumroad -I'd post the link but I don't think I'm allowed, but if you Google InTheFlesh Gumroad you should be able to find it).
I clipped the screenshot from some website, but I definitely remember the name VincentXyooj was attached to it (for some reason). I have the Andre character, but it doesn't look like this, but maybe one of the other posters here who have made suggestions are touching on the fact that maybe it's some skin testure other than Andre. Thanks everybody for the help!
Edit: I just checked VincentXyooj's gallery on here and the character isn't there.
I think it might be Nero's morph, with perhaps a different texture. It's even the same hair.
It's definitely Nero by Intheflesh
Thanks for telling me about the character and the artist. I never heard of him before. Are there other artists who sell DAZ Studio characters independantly? I think it may be this model with one of his other paler character's skins. I read that it was inspired by a video game (I've never even ever seen a video game) called Devil May Care 5. Do you think there would be copyright issues if this model were used for commercial pur[oses?
Actually with the way the lips on VincentXyoj's render turn up at the corners, it may be a mix of this InTheFlesh character and Xyoj's Andre, who's lips do curl up like this.
I've responded to your question on the Renderosity gallery, but its good you put it here as well just in case I didn't see it. As of right now, I've made this model strictly for personal use so he isn't available anywhere. He was heavily based off his video game appearance. I've actually spent a good amount of time perfecting his look, he was sculpted completely from scratch on G8M base, and didn't use any morph other then what I did in Zbrush, both head and body are completely custom.
ITF's version is a good substitute however, since my verison is not released. Same goes for the skin, everything you see in my model was done by me
@VincentXyooj I've been wanting to ask you when you are releasing a new character. It's been quite awhile. I like your characters because they are not typical models but they still look realistic.
I've been quite busy with IRL stuff as of late, but very soon :) , thank you for the compliment as well