Why must it be so hard to connect with content creators on this forum?!!

Am I missing a link somewhere to connect with the creator of productX, or even the specific forum for asking questions? The store page for that author only has a link to their products, and any of the Info links in DS only bring you to the store page or documentation.
I realize that many creators have threads about their products for discussion, but you'd never know it from using the forum search bar. For instance, I am having an issue with Auto Face Enhancer Genesis 8 Female(s) by D.Master. putting any of these terms into the search bar starts of the results with every single incidence of the word "auto". Similarly, searches for "d.master" come up with every possible iteration of "master" rather than, you know, even a list of posts that D.Master has replied to, much less all his products.
I can appreciate that the tech staff at DAZ should be handling code and programming issues, but it doesn't seem too much to ask that each store item (once purchased) have a forum link or an email address for product-specific support.
Thanks for the space to rant. I'm now going to put out a general question to the overall community about my AFE issue, rather than search through endless pages of every single use of the word "auto" in every single post on every single thread, ever.
Because we PA's pay daz to handle our customer service. You will get much better service that way as they have resources available to them to answer questions that PA's do now.......and not all PA's are comfortable with english.
Part of the deal between PAs and Daz is that Daz handles inquiries about their products through support tickets. PAs that wish to interact directly with customers may do so, but they’re not required to do so, and I fully sympathize with those who don’t. As for the store and forum search feature: yes, they are garbage. Try Googling your search term (preferably in quotation marks) with “site:daz3d.com/forums” at the end...or just click here.
A few other things that should be pointed out -
1 - a lot of the PAs do not speak English as a native language. GoogleTranslate works okay for translating e-mails about 60 percent of the time, but it's completely unsuited for technical discussions.
2 - a number of PAs are semi-retired, retired from content making or, sadly, no longer with us. Many of those stores are now being run by family, who continue to make the products available, but have no technical background with DAZ products.
I fully understand Daz standing between the Pa's and the customers. If I was running Daz I'd do the same thing.
However it appears that communication between Daz CS and the PA's is awful. The sheer number of assets that cause "duplicate formula" errors is astounding. This is something where the PA needs to repackage the asset to remove the issue. But it takes weeks to months to happen, if it happens at all.
There's a whole section of the forum where PAs can post about their products and answer questions. There's an active thread about Auto Face Enhancer and D.Master follows it.
Ah, I never knew that! How truly sad in a way, but also very inspiring. It‘s a lovely thing to think that people are gone but their creations stay to make other people happy and creative. Thanks for letting us know!
It sure seems that way. CS responded in a day, but I'm still waiting for the issue with The Legend to be resolved. I didn't discover the missing morphs until probably a year later, so I'm sure I can't return this shoddy piece of QA.
There are also many issues PAs have nothing to do with, like how things work on your machine and installation.
CS will direct problems to PAs as needed.
I didn't mean to open a can of worms...
I appreciate all of your responses, and I don't mean to come of as ungrateful to have access to your creations. I'm not one to believe I get 24/7 access to you with my $25 purchase (Oso and RawArt, you are constantly torturing me with yet another figure I need, but don't yet have a project for). And I also agree with the need for DAZ to deal with many CS issues. Maybe all I want is a better search function to find the forum threads that I know in my heart of hearts are there but can't find without much wasted time and effort. I'm happy to ask the questions, just frustrated that it takes so much to find out where.
Keep up the stellar work!
Try asking the questions in google search. I find it gives me faster forum searchs and more accurate.
What was the thing that put the links on the sales page with links to gallery uses and forum references? I find it useful It was an add on Or something. I don't recall. I am pretty sure it was free though.
Google is always spidering the forums. Your best bet.
both *extremely* good points!
.. and also, much of the time they are on their computers they are working at creating their products or working on their *own* art (instead of reading forums)!
* I guess DAZ has not supplied them with a "Make Content" button any more than they have given us that "Make Art" button!! Get on the ball, Richard! ;)
Daz Deals Add-on: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/106296/announcing-daz-deals-browser-add-on/p1
yeah i'm also have some issues with the "lack of communication" with some daz PAs, because sometimes when try to use the "ticket system" i get the "you must contact the PA, but it's impossible to contact him here in the forum, because he/she don't have a forum account or if have it's a big secret or they just never used then if they never used due to the garbage search system you have a small chance to find then and even if you find as some others pointed they have a huge chance to be retired or semi-retired and they replay you or they just don't want to replay at all or they just don't use the forum at all.
A good exemple if the Artist
outoftouch, contact him/her here in daz is impossible, neither by ticket or try to find him in forum, you just can't contact, then if you like me have a issue which "only he/she can answer/help you are screwed, because is impossible to contact, this is really frustrating a lot, because even if the PA pay daz to deal with the issue the daz support themself say which they have limitations on what they can give as support and that limitations is what screw things sometime.I really wish the ticket support would really "deal" as they are supposed specially in cases were some PA become impossible to contact like retirement, because in the end they are supposed to give support, based on what i read here many times about "daz ticket will support you" which as i've already told before in others posts, it can be a lotery sometimes if you get a "good" staff support whiling to actually try to contact the artist and not just say "i can't do that" when he/she actually can do that since i've already saw that happening sometimes but as i told you need to be lucky and get the "person which no problems to do that" and not the i don't want do that person.
And based on my personnal experience in daz ticket support while overal it's really good and i do get the proper support and overal the support are nice peoples, i do feel which "the rules" are much more about "if the person giving the support "Want do that" or no" than because the rule say a or b, as i told if you must have lucky to get the right person to get the proper support if that support is something "more complicated than the average ticket support.
Support told you to contact the PA? That's highly unusual. It must have been because of an odd request or something?
On a slight tangent but related, I do think that DAZ could help somewhat with the product descriptions. Of course some PAs are not English speakers and they can't be expected to provide a lot of detail with the product promo but that is where DAZ could (and should) fill the gaps. I often find that I would like to know a little more about a product but can't find an adequate description, nor can I find it discussed on the forum, so I dismiss the product from consideration. With a better description, I might have been tempted to buy.
A recent example was the Eve character from Deepsea. I can't figure out whether the character will only work with the included custom UVs or whether other skins can be applied. A quick note in the description explaining this (and the custom AEs) would be so helpful. At least that product page has an attempt at providing some information, however. Sometimes all you get is a list of "what's included" and no - or minimal - description.
I find the process for getting products fixed by daz, in a timely way, and to get in touch with pas for bug resolution to be problematic.
I'm still waiting 5 months for a fix to the Yvanovich bun hair, which doesn't parent properly. I also had an issue with a bodymorph. It was confirmed by QA but it was affecting my character's teeth. I wanted to use the product. I finally asked about it since the PA was active in the forum. They fixed it immeadiatly.
I want to follow the process. But it feels like once a sale is made, its up to us to fix products, and some pas aren't even getting notified of issues. So tickets sort of sit in limbo.
I think pas should not have to deal with customer queries. But at the same time customers need to have som resolution to bugs, even if they aren't a huge priority for the store. Waiting 5 months to get a hair fixed really isn't acceptable standard. And yes, I can fix it myself, but thats not the point.
yeah here's a exemple of that: basically this happen more often when is about to "ask to add interactive license" to a product without one, for exemple not all the PA artists, don't add a license because they "dont want" but in many cases i noticed which was more related to him/her don't know about this system than don't wanting to add, then in the cases i could contact the "PA" artist i could ask him/her to add and in most of the cases they've ended adding without any issues and because as they told they didn't know about it and after that started to add to new and old ones not only the ones i asked, i think so far i one refuse and one on a "hold on" status", well going back, most of the times when i ask to add a license if it is a DAZ original (have daz as one of the creators) then they say which they can add but is not 100% which they will do it, because it's seens the peoples in that "sort of work" most of the times don't want to do that, most of the times i've asked a "old daz original" only few of then i get a sucess, most of the times it get "forget', now if the product is not a "DAZ original" then one of the things "can happen" or the support is not "my lucky one" and just tell me to go try to contact the vendor himself because "he is the only one which can do that" and even i try to ask if they can contact the vendor they say no or "maybe"(which is just a polite way to say no too), or option 2 i get in a lucky day and get a actually support which while he/she say which they can't add the license and it must be the "PA" this one actually or ask me if i i want then to contact the vendor or if i ask myself they say "yes" and actually contact and later replay me and say which they contacted and it ended leading to the license get add.
which lead to that weird issue were "if i don't get the "right person" in the support i don't get the fix".
Another time was when i had issues with the rigg of one character because in that time i didn't know how to "rename bones" in daz, because some stuffs have "some bones names being repeated and exporting it to unreal does have issues which i later learned how to fix, but the thing was the support told which they could not help me and told me to look for the support in the forum, which luckly i could actually find the PA and get some support, or it was the support team which give me the "contact" really don't know now since it was like 2 years+ ago.
Another issue which i've ended having was with some outfits" being created with the same "file name" like each piece of the outfit is like "base.jpg" then when you export outside daz all the textures get messed and you need to manually export every texture, which again i contacted the support team which again told me to speak with the PA which i could contacted because not was too hard to find the artist.
but that is the point "some odd" request you normally get the "look for the PA" answer and while in most of the cases you can end finding and talking with the artist without any issue here in others cases it's almost impossible and in others cases is a case of "have the right person" from the support" otherwise you are screwed, would help if all of the support team(at last from the area i've asked help) could do it not just "some few good soul nice selected ones peoples, which is weird to have it on the support and to be clear i'm not talking about like asking for someone let's say which work in tech fixes(like daz thechnical issues worker) to help with something related to the forum whcih is not his area but let's say 2 or 3 peoples from the same area but 1 or 2 don't do that then the remains do that, this don't make too much sense specially when the support say which they were supposed to do that if needed, this leaving me with the taste in some cases which the person just don't want do because he is already "too busy with others issues" and don't feel like wanting to do that.
well since using daz stuffs outside daz in general is a "odd" request" i normally ending have those troubles a very often.
On the other hand, it's the standard response at Renderosity, even when you're just asking for a refund.
At Rendo vendors handle their own customer support. At Daz they pay Daz to do it.
and that is when enter the " weird contradiction" because if daz i payed to do it, why only "some of them" can do "some of those oods and in others cases do nothing", if daz support was supposed to do full support then they were supposed to handle those stuffs too not say 'go look for the vendor".
Hmmm Reading your above requests, it doesn't sound like those are actual product issues, or issues with the product functioning the way they're meant to in Daz Studio. Most Daz3D products are pretty much designed for use inside Daz Studio, so if one wants to use the products for something like importing into Unreal you'd have to expect that you'll have to do some manual adjustments to get it there. I can see why support wouldn't handle those specific requests, because they're a little bit unreasonable, imo, (particularly things like wanting a PA to rename all their files so that you can import them into a different program easier). Renaming files breaks pretty much everything for a product - every single material preset, and all the texture pathways etc. That likely would mean a PA would have to resave everything or go in and rewrite all the pathways in all the presets. These are the kinds of requests that it's completely understandable why Support wouldn't handle them, because they're not exactly issues with the products themselves. Expecting a PA do to those things is, imo, a bit unreasonable.
Just think, a Make Content Button, Take Payment Button, A Make Art Button.
Let Daz have all those and we could just log in check our bank balance was being deducted accordingly, and check to see what images we had created whilst we were away doing something else.
If it was DMaster you wanted, they are very active in the PA Products forum answering questions and issueing hot fixes etc and there is a thread for Auto Face Enhancer.
PS I see you've found it.
None of the examples you posted are really support issues though, as in "the product doesn't work as intended by the creator". They're more like "I'd like you to change your products" queries.
Having customer service handle query questions allows PAs to focus on making new content. everyone benefits that way, Even so, Most PAs also have commercial threads to answer questions
Not most, but certainly some do.
Totally agree. I couldn't work customer service, did it once and I was tempted to tell some unreasonable customers to go to......LOL. I see what our CS rep has to deal with at work and i don't envy her, especially with the pandemic
i'm not saying which i'm not understand why they don't provide in some cases, like this one of the textures and for that cases i can understand go for the vendor to get a support even if him/her refuse which i can understand too, the issue for me is if it is not reasonable or not, but "why he can't contact or help me contact the PA", that is the issue, if it's a case were only the PA can do something them they are supposed to pass the case to the vendor or try to help me reach/contact the vendor to see if him/he can do something and in others cases like the license is clear a case were they can provide support in "some cases" but choose to don't do since as i told some peoples from the support do that while others don't which is really weird and the worst is more often i get ending the support from the "no" peoples making my ticket meanless,
going back to the "texture, for my case was more like a "feedback", about what they could do in the future, like if possible avoid do in that way and things like that, because while inside daz it work at no issue outside it can have issues and for peoples which normally don't know how to fix it themselfs or have dificultiy to ask for support can be bad, for me was fine because in the end i've ended learning how to deal myself with most of my issue in daz and to be honest my only current real deal is without any doubt the "license issue" were products which normally would have it(daz original) don't have and the support is not really want to do that in most of the cases(at last the "no" peoples). leading me to have to ask countless times until i can get in touch with someone whch will do that, the issue really ends in "get in contact" or if they could contact the vendor, which is were really lies the big problem for me.