specific music research objectives and hundreds of saved poses slightly out of place
--CONTEXT-- [skip ahead to 'THE GIST' if you prefer]
I came to Daz hoping to catalog a large collection of unconventional playing techniques for the violin, which I wish to define as short animations of one or both arms of a violinist attached to the stationary base and instrument parented to the head, one hand manipulating a bow. In a nutshell, I'm developing a way of "beatboxing" using all available sounds I can produce on my violin, which I have more or less cataloged in a notebook, and am trying to understand, in order to compose new sequences, which combinations of these I can string together in quick and precisely timed sequences to create imitations of the sounds of rhythmic/percussive musics, essentially what a beatboxer does but with violin sounds instead of mouth sounds. The objects of study are the physical actions required of the violinist to produce each individual sound and accomplishing the precise transitions from one to the next in rapid succession, which can be intricate and involved, quasi-dancelike and even theatrical at times, and almost always unfamiliar from a instrumentalist standpoint and requiring an approach to studying, practicing, and understanding what's involved. I'm using Daz as a way of visualizing the enormous web of potential body motions. My goal is to create a catalog of generic instrumental actions as the animated transition between sequences of static poses I've been saving (with extreme difficuly, more on this momentarily) which I can then use to construct and study the motions involved, substitute one technique for another, see what a "beat pattern" looks like sped up to find the point where it becomes absurd and superhuman to perform, etc. I know thats a lot of info and may sound crazy but check my ig @dga8787 if you're skeptical
I have been using a realistic violin model found on the Daz store for Genesis 8, making from the chest down invisible and locking all but the two arms from collar on and the bow. I have parented spheres to various parts of the hands, bow and violin as points of contact, which I'd initially assumed I'd find a way to snap together in a way that moved everything in-between in a coherent way, creating bowstrokes, fingermotions etc. Boy was I wrong, from what I can tell there is no simple way to get the right arm to follow the bow but have to define poses from the opposite direction, starting from the root-most node, which is somewhat counterintuitive. I've been spending tons of time tracking down good info, as the manual seems incomplete (no offense, free is great, I get it) and while I've found some useful scripts, certain persistent issues are making it hard to know if I'm getting anywhere. The hundreds of hand-grips of the bow I spent last week making are now all off and impaling the violin and violinist in horrible ways. I've discovered using Ctrl and changing the options to apply aspects of a predefines pose to another which has been very helpful, but the bow has been a particular challenge. Normal violin playing doesn't have many ways of holding the bow but in my case I need the bow to behave almost like an extension of the arm except instead of a stationary 'bone' as I understand it with limits and degrees of rotation, the point where it attaches can move in essentially all directions relative to the surface of the bow. Depending on the technique, the fingers involved and axes of rotation can change frequently. It is clearly a deep program with capabilities far beyond what I require, but was wondering if someone could help guide me toward what functions I actually need for the task and if I can somehow fix the work I've done, poses which I have been saving as uncompressed hierarchical pose presets of just the selected left or right arm nodes and their children. Yes, the bow is parented to the right hand (mid3 to be exact). I've been using a combination of locking and pinning which may be part of it, and at some point converted the bow from prop to figure and am not sure exactly if that was the best approach, it has one bone which would get out of line with the 'figure' origin so I keep the bone locked, I managed getting my green widget in the joint editor correctly oriented in the bone and figure after much struggling and haven't touched them since. I just finished defining a hundred or so left and right hand poses only to find the bow in the right hand shapes all slightly out of place. As I have for a few earlier poses, I can tweak and re-save them all, but there feels like there's got to be a better way. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
That's a lot to track, especially as the forum has eaten your paragraphs (I split the main sections down again). One thing to check is limits - had you had to turn imits off in setting up the psoes (Edit>Figure>Limits Off)?
Are the locked bones still locked? I suspect that may not be a proeprty that saves in a Hierarchical preset.
Please do, ideally with an image showing how it should work - not that I can claim any great expertise in this area.
OK, I've downloaded them and will try to have a look in a bit.
Sorry I hadn't managed to look at the poses.
It shouldn't matter whether it's a figure or a prop, use whichever suits the way you want to use it (assuming there iis a difference).