G8F tongue will not zero no matter what!

in The Commons
Please see subject line. The character's tongue is twisted and to the side for some reason, and will not zero no matter what. I have trried it globally and by node. Nothing. Ideas?
There might be a tongue morph saved with a non-zero value, so it is always applied automatically.
I've searched high and low and can't find it. All of the tongue nodes' values are zero when I check them.
It might not be a tongue morph directly, maybe a controller dial for an expression?
I've seen this before, when a morph is applied to a figure. You need to check the Parameters to see if any morphs are applied.
Does this help?
ETA: Or as Leana suggested, it might be part of an expression dial. If so, that would show up under Currently Used, as mentioned above.
Thanks for all of this, buut nothing has worked. I may just have to work around it with this character. I have not yet tried to re-create the character from a default G8F, but I'm wondering if her tongue is non-zero out of the box.
My investigation of this matter suggests that the problem initiates when the custom (commercial) character's head morph is loaded. So far, I have not found a workaround. Even using Edit to zero the shape/pose of the tongue and/or its nodes does not help.
Load a base G8 then use the slider to apply the character's head morph. Does it still happen? If so, it sounds like an issue with the character.
Have you unhidden hidden parametrers?
Which character is it? If someone else has it they could maybe see if it is replicated on their system.
I have contacted the vendor and they're looking into it.