It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got that Swing)

So I'd noticed in a video posted by @Vyusur that Janna's animated hip movement and walk are different from the standard G8F. Janna's rigging is not the same as G8Fs. Being curious and a little, well, curious, I thought I'd do a little comparison. For science!
Here are Janna and her cousin Deya walking side by side. Animation for both provided by the Genesis 8 Female(s) Flat Foot Walk aniBlock by SKAmotion.
To my mind, Janna's walk looks more natural. Notice especially the foot placement. If and when we get a G9F, I hope that Daz takes into account the real life differences in male and female gait and incorporates rigging more like Janna's than the current model.
And thanks to Vyusur for bringing this model to Daz. :D
Nevertheless, Janna being an original character means fitting G8F clothing may be troublesome as well as fitting Janna's clothing to G8F.
You pays your money and you takes your chances,
Vyusur has released a G8F clone for Janna, and I believe G3F as well.
... Doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah...
But thanks, now I've got the song stuck in my head.
I only looked at this thread to see if there was a Graham Parker reference.
You Silly Thing!!!
@Vyusur has four great figures. As noted above, any original figure may involve adjustments using content designed for a Daz Genesis (number), but Janna has a clone available at that other 3D content store. I like the two children, Teena and Leon, better than applying an extreme shape morph to Genesis 8 male and female. But I don't mind the content issues.
Mandatory Ella & Duke link
That lady can sing too.
I listen to today's autotuned girly voices and realised why I don't like modern pop music at all
I like hearing some of those earlier 60s bands, lots of them, where they are in such great harmony with unique singing voices, even if the voices were quite different when they harmonize; it sounds so good. I missed most of that music the 1st time but YouTube is great for finding it for the 1st time or hearing music you know but don't remember because you was too young to know but heard it on the radio probably. Later and earlier music is good too but for the best harmonizing band music the early 60s is best. I guess it's where production and earlier harmonized singing met up best. Too bad it wasn't in stereo then.
Yes, the clone works pretty well. As with autofitting G3F footwear, there are some issues, and the Bambino boots have more issues than most. They look really nice, but take an usually long time to load even on G8F for some reason. Poses work fine with Janna, but the foot poses are hierarchical, so there are problems. So I let her wear her own boots. Anyway, here's a side view using the same clothes.