Using DIM to download from Orders page

in The Commons
We used to be able to click the "Download & Install" link on each Orders page to just specifically download all of those items using DIM in one click. Now it only works with DazCentral.
All of the posts related to DIM say that it's not being replaced by DazCentral (they'll co-exist), but they've just removed a feature that simplifies installing new content (or reinstalling) with DIM. Is there a workaround?
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If you go to your Account Page>Product Library you will find a "Download and Install" button for Install Manager.
You Ordes page will show same, but sadly for each Individual Product.
If you just open DIM manually when you have a new order, it will show your odrer in the Ready To Download tab.
This kind of casts doubt on Daz's claim that DazCentral is merely intended to ease new users into downloading, when in fact they are simultaneously deprecating access to DIM.
I noticed this morning when I bought a few things that the 'Download & Install' button right after purchasing is Daz Central only, so the only option that I have now is to just refresh in DIM and check the items I want to install. Not very user friendly.
I never used the direct links after a purchase, but i do find it odd that there used to be two links/options and now both point to the new DAZ Central.
So i also doubt DAZ claims for this to be an alternative for new users. My guess is that slowly will keep obscuring DIM to the point that one day it will be gone and the excuse will be "almost nobody used it any more".
At that time I will either change to manual install or stop using Daz as shopping place.
There is already a dedicated thread at the top of this forum