Help with Poke-through hair

in The Commons
I've had my eye on the Living the Dream Bundle for a long time. It just fits with my sense of humor. I gleefully got Bubba all set up with his beer hat, and cried in dismay. His hair pokes through! I don't see any adjustments to fix the problem.... Did I miss anything?

1024 x 872 - 140K
If you look at the outfit that the beer hat comes with, the hair isn't used there with the hat:
Poke through with hats and hair is almost always a challenge. Do you have Mesh Grabber? That can likely help flatten those top areas of the hair to hide them under the hat.
If the hair doesn't have a smoothing modifier yet you can add one with the hat as a collision object. Another option is to use the Geometry editor to hide the vertices that stick out.
Always a problem with hats. I am aware of two ways to fix it.
1. Use the Mesh Grabber tool (buy in the store) to drag the hair down.
2. Render the figure twice, once with hair and once without. Then overlay the one without hair on top in an Image editor (GIMP, Photoshop etc.) and paint opacity to hide the hair you dont want to see.
Some hairs have Hat morphs built in but most dont.
The geometry editor will probably fix that. just hide the polys poking thru the hat
Thank you so much for the replies. Bubba will enjoy the hairless look if he wants to wear his beer hat. Then he can remove the hat, and suddenly have hair! I have seen a few content items that have "hair fit" settings. I just don't have the energy or smarts to try geometry editor, etc. Thanks again for taking the time to respond.
Oh wait, I am confused. The character's name is Buster, but he wears Bubba's clothes!
Just a note: the beer can on the right has a mirror-image label.
dracorn, thanks for the info. I doubt that Buster cares. He's drunk.
The character's name is Buster, the outfit's name is Billy Bob, and the hair's name is Bubba. lol :D
Buster looks like he's enjoying his beer hat. :) I'm glad you got it worked out. With this summer heat, he's probably better off without that long hair anyway.
Divamakeup, thanks for setting me straight! Boy I need another beer. (Just kidding. Buster wouldn't share any of his beer!)