Blue tint around eyes

in The Commons
Does anyone know what causes this? When I render, there is a blue outline around the eyes. In my scene, there's nothing around her eyes, it only shows up when rendering. The model is Girl 8 if that helps.

544 x 313 - 452K
it's hard to tell because it's so grainy, but it looks to me like reflected light, which does have a lot of blue in some cases (especially considering all the blue in her hair). Really hard to tell.
Just rendered Girl 8 with Yuna hair -
Default lights from Daz Studio, headlamp off, dome rotation 85 degrees, iray render.
Another iray render, made with ElaineCK Lights 3 -
Iray render with lights set 01 from
I think one need to experiment with light setup, to get different results.
Has played with different nose settings, but could not get such a cute nose shape, as on the first image in this thread.
Iray render with lights set 04 from
Has tried some expression on Girl 8
Iray render with lights set 05 from
Okay, I'll do some more testing. Thanks!
Hey sorry I never saw these replies, these answer my question completely! thanks a bunch