DS automaticly rerendering (unintentionally)
Sometimes when I am doing test renders and hit cancel to close out the current running render DS will automatically open a new render process without me hitting anything. Its quite inconvient since I have to wait several minutes through the initial start before I can cancel again. Is there anyway to stop this?
Theer is an issue with shortcuts, such as cmd/ctrl R, doubling up - try the beta, or try for now to use the menu command (Render>Render, and File>Save - you can use Window>Workspace>Customise to temporarily remove the shortcuts, right-click on the command in the list on the left)
I don't use shortcut's either, I use the status bar at the top so maybe it uses the shortcut's. I will try to remember to start using the menu's. Thanks Richard!
I'm not aware that tool bar buttons are affected, though I suppose it depends on what triggers the event. If you are seeing this with buttons please report it, via a support ticket, just to be sure it is checked https://www.daz3d.com/help/help-contact-us