Install Manager update is a annoying.
When they come out with a new version of install manager it often can't install itself the first try for some reason.
Worst of all, the message telling you to install it says the alternative is to "work offline". Since the usual reason for bringing the thing up in the first place and about the only reason you'd bother to log in is to download a new item from the website this is right up there with the "help" messages from the operating system or some applications that tell you to go to their "online help" when the problem is that you've lost the internet connection.
DIM being a Stand alone Program expects a Close, reboot and then use when it gets updated. If not the pointers are off until the config file is read again. I simply do Update then close. Then reopen to force a config read. That seems to work.
Also of note: The Update requires it to happen in Admin mode on the PC. If your not in Admin at the time of the Update it just closes as it needs the proper permissions to run the installer.
If you are having failed installs please open a Tech Support ticket to report this so that it can be looked into.
I get it to work eventually. Probably just flaky connection to the server. I was mainly pointing out the ridiculousness of the message that tells you to "work offline" when the only reason to bring it up and actually log in is to download something from the website. If you were going to do something that would work offline you'd do that in the first place and skip the password.