exporting issues Little help

hello, guys today i was "exporting some characters to unreal to make some tests when i noticed which they are not being "exported" in the right wayt, i means when i do apply a "moprh" to the figure" that change is not being exported the character is being exported as "base character" for exemple if i apply the bodybuilder morph, the character remain "not bodybuilder" and is not "because of the unreal" this is happen to the fbx file too, i've tested for exemple open it on maya or blender and indeed the character being exported is on the "base body", anyone know what can be the problem???
edit: ok after make some tests i've noticed which the only "morphs it's accepting are the "characters one like, victoria and bla bla bla any morph like "make breast big or small. or pregnance or bodybuild and others is being "ignored in the "export process.
edit2: i've made new tests and somehow it's seens which my daz is only "saving" the morphs which i'm applying to the character if i "lock it", i've never needed it before, the program aways accepted export the character with any change without need to "click in lock" to save the morph change, any help here?
Which export format are you using? What options?
fbx, somehow after made some tests i find the issue which i do feel is weird, because it worked normal before, the problem is on when i mark to "export morphs", it's seen which when i'm trying to export a morphed character which one of his morphs is added in the morph rules" this morph is set to 0 during the process removing the "morph from the character", but i remember it working fince like i could set 100& of one morph then when exporting and using the morph inside unreal i could make the character "even bigger" making crazy stuffs, but that is not my trouble, it's just which now i can't export a "edited character" with morphs if i've used any of the morphs on the list.
Are the problem morphs actual morphs, or are they controllers thats et other morphs?
here the problem:
base character without any morph applied:
now i've applyied the morphs to export:
now time to export, here the option:
here the morphs in the "morph rules list:
now here the result after open the fbx in the maya:
if i uncheck the morph export box then the model is proper exported:
this issue only happens with the morphs added in the "morph rules" if i apply any morph not added in the "rule" then the change is stored in the fbx:
or the problem is with "adding" the morph to that list or it could be the "option" i've choose like you have or "baked" or exported", since i choose "exported" it would means the program is reseting the morph usage in the current figure and export only the "option" to use it outside daz, i gonna make more tests later but as i told it's weird which i never had that issue before, i've aways was able to export the character and able to "double down" if wanted the morphs( by exporting a morphed character and being able to apply again the morph if wanted inside unreal), but somehow it's not allowing anymore, and i can use "only one time the morph" to be fair at first it is not a big deal, at first i just get scared and confuse because i was trying to make a character to use in game and since i've awyas had the export morph checked never had that trouble even if i was not going to use that morph in the work and that character for some reason was loosing "the changes" without i'm being able to understand why it was happening at firt sight.
I think the issue may, in part, be that the thing you are setting is a controller - it doesn't itself apply the shape, it tells two other dials to apply the shape - and FBX doesn't support an equivalent of that kind of cotnrol.
My understanding is that if the morph is set to "export", it won't be applied to the character, but will be available as a morph in Unreal to be changed at runtime. If it's set to "baked" it's built into the character, but can't be modified at runtime. I don't think you can do both at the same time, but you might be able to go past the value of 1 for the morph to make it more extreme.