Defense SUV

Anyone know if the doors open and if there's an inside?


  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    There don't appear to be any separate doors.  Maybe you have to slide in through the windows Dukes of Hazzard style?

  • jedijuddjedijudd Posts: 606

    I looks like that is how all of his vehicles are, no doors or inside

  • WolfwoodWolfwood Posts: 787

    Kind of dissapointing. For that price range one would expect something more. When i saw it i inmediately added it to wish list, but after closer look....i'll have to pass.

    I don't want to be mean to the artist, the concept and design looks really good. But no doors or interiors is bad.... and maybe is the light in the renders, but at least with that texture this one looks more like a cool toy than a vehicle.

    I mean it in good faith, i don't want the artist to stop this sci-fi trend. 

  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417

    I, too, was interested in this, but upon closer inspection will have to pass and seeing these comments here, I wonder WHY it is listed at this price point?  What decides the value of a model like this versus a model with A LOT more detail and utility?  Not dogging the PA, just curious sometimes how things work behind the curtain.

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