Something I did this weekend...

in The Commons
Been a bit depressed lately so needed a "soothing" activity. Inspired by Biscuit's lovely texture expansion from Jam Hair, I went through and saved the mat presets as shader presets to use across other hairs. Then I went through and did this with OOT's texture and hairblending expansions, and some other hair mats that don't use UV-specific maps. I'm already addicted to hair and hair shader products, and now I have even more hair shaders!
That's a good idea.
I like doing this with skin because it helps apply more consistent gloss and shine across different vendor products. Even if the maps aren't the same, they usually use similar kinds of maps, and the gloss/tone just can vary so much from one artist to another.
Nice way to have fun.
Nice! So you save just settings (unchecking images)?
I just save the preset and apply without the images, although I guess I should uncheck images.
Anything to unify the scene, anyway. Using a consistent setting is always helpful when I'm working with different artists' products, although there are also plenty of good products in the store to do that.
Hmmm... I wasn't sure where that title was leading... figured it was either:
A) You got a desperate call from an old friend who asked you to meet up with them in the car park of the old abandoned mall across town... once you got there, they confessed they have actually been a secret agent for years... and that they worked for a mysterious intergalactic agency dedicated to protecting the world from intervention by extraterrestrial influences until humanity was ready and mature enough to deal with them. The agency had recently been decimated by attacks from a shadowy group working for a mega tech corporation whose cover was some sort of social media app...
They explained they were being pursued by mercenaries from an evil corporation which they had stolen a doomsday device created from alien technology... the device, contained in a small briefcase had aready been activated by the bad guys and was set to unleash a plauge of self replicating nanorobots within 58 hours...
The nanobots were designed to destroy anything in their path, but the corporation intended sell a special device that would repel the nanobots, which its CEO would use the riches gained from those sales to become the most powerful autocrat on earth...
It was at that point they asked you to deliver the device to the secret laboratory of the one scientist on earth who could disarm it, but the problem was it was in Tibet, and the scientist was a recluse who would probably be reluctant to help... they then walked over to their car and introduced you to a small individual who was hiding in the back seat... at first glance you thought it was a fuzzy child wearing a hoodie, but as you got closer you realized it was a furry catlike alien.
Your friend explained that Cindarac, a Feileerian was the one who exposed the plot, and helped steal the device... Cindarac would accompany you on your journey to Tibet. They then handed you the keys to a customized Lamborghini Aventador LP770-4 SVJ Roadster which was parked nearby and told you had to leave now because the bad guys would be arriving any moment... Suddenly from nearby you could hear the sound of many large vehicles entering the car park... confused and unsure of what to do you hesitated, but Cindarac got out of the car, snatched up the keys and grabbed your hand with their furry paw-hand... they stuff you in the passenger seat and drove off as the mercenaries arrived, barely managing to avoid being captured or shot in the pyrotechnic chaos that ensued...
I'm not going to bore you with the details of the various adventures that you experienced on the way to Tibet, like your cross country adventure, figuring out the various secret hi-tech features the lambo was equiped with (who knew it had plasma blaster gatling guns?...Ooopsies, abandoned Pizza Hut!), the way you guys drove the Lamborghini out of an alien cargo ship high above India after you were captured by Lortoriann mercenaries, or the humorous drive through Nepal in the mangled barely drivable remains of the poor Lamborghini...
Of course you eventually made it to the laboratory of the scientist, which was located beneath a monastery high atop a sheer walled mountain, needless to say there was a comical misunderstanding with the monks, but eventually it was sorted out and you were brought to the scientist (Brimf) who turned out to be the ex-husband of Cindarac, there was a lot of standard bickering and complaining between them as she tried to convince Brimf to help.
But before anything was accomplished, the Lortorianns showed up and recaptured Cindarac, holding her hostage in exchange for the device.
Brimf and you decided to hatch a daring plan to rescue Cindie (Brimf's pet name for her) from the Lortorianns and destroy the device in Lortoriann ship's reactor core. As the two of made you way to where the ship was hiding in the mountains, Brimf explained their past and why he came to earth (I won't bore anyone with that story either), but it was clear he still loved her and would do anything to get her back.
Well, obviously it all worked out... you both managed to free Cindie, Brimf was badly wounded in the process and you almost sacrificed your life to get device into the reactor core so Cindie and Brimf could escape... of course you did that via an intercom as you locked them out, telling them they still loved each other and this fight was yours now, they had already done too much and they needed to get out before the ship blew up as you were pinned down by enemy fire... luckily the stupid lazy monks showed up at the last moment and everything thing turned out okay... Well, except for a few mountain goats who weren't so fortunate...
In the end, everything worked out fine, you got to get out for a few days and humanity managed to survive another catastrophe.
2) More or less the same as the above, only involving a wizard, a few dwarves, some elves, a couple of halflings, an evil ring and a volcano.
3) You confessing to burying a bunch of bodies in the desert.
I dunno... the last one was a little presumptuous of me, but honestly the first one was where I immediately went... it seems like the sort of thing most people get excited about, but are a little reluctant to share because they think nobody cares about that sort of stuff or they think you are bragging.
I hardly ever mention any my adventures because I'm pretty sure everyone thinks I'm making it up and I'm crazy... I can't argue with the last part (crazy), but I just figured you probably wanted to get that off your chest because these sort of things are hard to keep to yourself.
In fact I'm pretty sure you chickened out at the last moment and were actually testing out everyone's reaction to your post before admitting to the whole saving the world thing.
Or I'm way off and you actually were doing what you said.
Either way, on behalf of The Interworld Alliance For Cooperation and Peace, I thank you.
They thank you...
If that was a thing...
Which it isn't...
So saving the world and saving presets; that's two excellent saves for the price of one: buy one get one free!
Pure gold! I laughed until I teared up. lol Please tell me you're writing a novel - or at least saving all your funny little stories. These are amazing and need to be archived. I hope you're writing a book (or five) with a talent for storytelling like yours.
now i know where Douglas Adams has got all his ideas from