Everything I Bought and Installed Today is Dumb

I bought several things today like the Sea Salt hair and some others and wanted to check them out. There was nothing unusual about the installation as far as I could tell, but there was nothing in Smart Content. The items are present in my Content Library.
Then I looked at my recently installed files in DIM and saw that none of todays items has metadata. What's the deal?

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Post edited by Chohole on
was not expecting the title of thread to be accurate
I bought the Sea Salt hair and mine is showing metadata.
I had to re-import metadate through DIM ... it is in there now
I have three of those you list, two of them (London Courtyard and Miranda's Ice Cream) have metadata, Jessi HD does not, according to DIM.
Jessi should, unless the metadata has wrong paths.
@Sevrin, it sounds like postgreSQL wasn't running when you installed. Does the DIM log report errors processing metadata? Make sure its running and re-import metadata.
I re-installed everything and it was fine, other than stuff like the G8F version of Sea Salt ending up in Lost & Found, while the G3F version installed properly. So. Much. Stuff. going into L&F.
Smart Content has never been very Smart. A casual scan of Forum threads would show that this is a recurring issue.
By any chance did you have Daz Studio open at the same time you installed the products? That almost always leads to errors.
OK, after uninstalling and reinstalling it, it now has metadata.
That was with Valentina, no longer true with PostgreSQL
Closing DS and immediately opening DIM, or vice versa, can cause issues as the one that is closing will tell PostgreSQL it is done with and PostgreSQL will be mid close down when the applicatiion that is starting checks for it to see if it's running - the net result can be no PostgreSQL and the application not realising that.
THIS really needs to be somehow added to DIM itself, some kind of warning as you log in "Please be sure that Daz Studio is completely shut down before installing products via Install Manager" or something to that effect. Downloading some products via Install Manager while Daz Studio is open can cause some real issues. This is not common knowledge and newbies in particular (of which we have a ton of them lately) need to be made aware of this.
I imagine that this will be no less of an issue with DazCentral, given that DC is a dumbed down version of DIM? I've not had the urge to repair my Daz content settings, so I haven't downloaded it, but isn't it supposed to be open at the same time as DS or something?
I don't know - I couldn't say anything about Daz Central as I haven't really looked into it yet. Hopefully, it doesn't have that same issue though.
a lot of my stuff is dumb
That happens to me all the time and about 200 items, not even old stuff but G8/3, is grayed out in smart content. I've uninstalled and reinstalled those items dozens of times and they just refuse to go into Smart Content for some reason.
Some include p3d May, p3d Desire, Aida for Monique 8, Luma Lighting, dforce Kay Hair, Nerdy Guy Hair, Tara 2HD, Undead Creature Creator for G3, Inked Vol14, Gemology IRay Shaders vol III, Quick IRay Outdoor presets, Cyberpunk Subway Station,, Oslo Master Shader1, Studded Goth for G3, IRay Magic Metallic Foil, Car Ranger IRay addon and a ton more.
I'm usually having both running at the same time and haven't noticed any problems so far, I'm not using Smart Content or similar features though, only the Content Library, so maybe that isn't affected (maybe search is but I never use that anyway).
Except for installling DS itself and plug-ins DS doesn't need to be shut down when usign DIM.
Maybe it's the plugins then that have borked things up for me several times in the past when I've updated or downloaded with DIM and DS open at the same time.
I install basically everything through DIM while DS is open, and almost never have problems with it.
Maybe, as Richard said, that it could be the plugins (and I'm thinking the scripts perhaps too). I have a ton. Quite a few from Zev0 and Discobob, over a dozen from Dimension3D, quite a few from Riversoft Art, many from DraagonStorm, everything from ManFriday's except one - Tons.
Scripts aren't a problem unless they also have plugin elements. Anything that installs in a regular content folder is fine. Only things that install to the application folder need DS shut down.
Ok - I've just installed a few new purchases via DIM, same as I always do (with Studio closed). Now after opening Studio there is nothing at all appearing in Smart Content.
The system recognizes I have stuff installed; I can see them in the Products tab. But Files - nothing, with or without Filter by Context checked.
I haven't installed or used Daz Central.
Has this happened to anyone else, and can anyone advise on how to fix it, please?
Edit: And after shutting down and restarting they're back. Don't know what happened there, but glad it's back to normal.
Edit again! No, they're not back. There was only visible content in the Files tab of Smart Content on first opening, with an empty workspace. Once I loaded a character, it went back to before, with content visible in the Products tab only. This is the case even when Filter by Context is unselected so the system is not being asked to be smart. Help please!
Do they show up in color in the Products tab, or grayed out?
In colour.
I can see them in my Content Library too. And can use them from either location.
They're just not showing up in the Files tab.
Also, the Smart Content is working as expected in the Products tab when Filter by Context is checked/unchecked, with irrelevant products disappearing/reappearing so it looks as though it's not a metadata thing.