Does anybody recognize this G3F/V7 character?

in The Commons
Can anybody here identify this character used in this promo for an accessory product at Rendo? She must be from the G3/V7 era, because that's what the product says it's for:
It's a promo image for a product by fabiana. I sitemailed her about a week ago asking who the character was, but have gotten no response, so I'm hoping somebody here can identify her.

675 x 743 - 220K
I don't recall seeing he here; she could be from Renderosity. She could equally be a dial-spun character (something PAs do a lot - and likely at Rendo too).
Try asking in their forums, I've always found them helpful.
On the last image it has her again and says it is a mix of characters annd Eva7 in the discription. Wish this was ann available character I would certainly buy it
Fabiana is pretty good about answering sitemails. You could just ask her. Or read the text in her images.
The promo says she used the Eva7 skin, with a mix of faces so start with Eva and lightly dial spin to something similar, to get the makeup and general face shape.
Thanks. I didn't get that far going through the promos for that product. Maybe I should start going through promo pix in reverse order. Yes, I would buy her, too.
I did and got no reply. You could read my first post in this thread. Maybe that's why she elected not to reply, because it was in an image, but I didn't see the image, so ... .
Thanks. I'll try. Among the most intriguing things about that face is the asymmetrical curve of her brows. I'll have to do some study on dial-spinning to learn how to accomplish that, but first I'll see how Eva does out of the box. Never worked much with that character.