Thank you Littlefox!

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Now Posey and Petunia have counterparts, and people can use them for stories instead of just pinups.
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Now Posey and Petunia have counterparts, and people can use them for stories instead of just pinups.
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They’re also probably the closest thing we’ll get to a proper male counterpart for Sakura and Aiko.
Good thing I waited, because with that flash coupon I got them at an additional discount.
I was going to start a "Thank you" thread to Lady Littlefox. I LOVE the new Briar, Bramble, and Bean!! They are absolutely adorable!
I'm glad someone has already started the thread.
I love so much content that the PA's make here, but when I see anime toony characters, I snag them up into my cart immediately without a second thought.
All of the renders that I make are for a manga that I produce/write (I used to draw everything by hand, but alas my hands shake too much thanks to age and medications.) Anyway, I am always looking for a new character design that stays on track with what my story design is so my manga doesn't look like I have Aiko, Hitomi and Hiro cast in different hair and clothing and skins for every part (which I pretty much do).
Anyway, I'm very grateful for all of the wonderful content that the PAs and DAZ puts out here.
But for this thread, Thank You, Lady Littlefox!
(And also thank you for adding 3Delight shaders - not everyone is on board with Iray. I know I'm not, and I won't be until I upgrade to a more powerful graphic card with more GBs).
Boy howdy on the 3DL materials. *Very* welcome.
Well, I just got Petunia (and Posey), and am wow-ed by her. Going to try some expressions. If she fares better than Sakura (whom I love, but find expressions very difficult!), I may be onto a new model after many years! Plus, I have a boy option!
Edit, yep, expressions (these are for Aiko) seem to work decent with very little adjustment.
What am I missing? I don't see any new releases that match the discussion... Are they listed as DAZ Originals?
EDIT: Nevermind. Immediately after posting this I saw the entry that I was overlooking. Doh!
It's the new
who is a counterpart for...
in case anyone else missed it.
Doh! x2
When I found what was being referenced, I should have posted it. It's been one of those days.
Bramble from
Lady Littlefox's figures are the best, imo. She's actually what got me started purchasing 3D content. I fell in love with her "Star! Original Figure" and just had to get her (that was back when it was on the RuntimeDNA site). Shortly after that RDNA shut down and she moved Star! and others of her figures to Daz3D (thank goodness!). I've been purchasing from Daz3D since then and eventually became a PA. I can say that all of that is pretty much thanks to Lady Littlefox. :) I'm not sure I ever would have started purchasing content or creating content if I hadn't been so enamoured with her awesome work. I could have eventually found my way here, but thanks to Lady Littlefox I definitely got here sooner rather than later. :D
Littlefox is up in the same class as 3DU for 'Toons. Unfortunately, they didn't used to mix, since it wasn't until quite recetly that she started basing them on other base figures instead of building them as original figures from the get-go. Star may have been the first to have been ported to a Genesis base. But Melody was an add-on for A3 and that was over a decade ago. Although it was a hassle to use her since you had to run it through a .pmd utility first.
Littlefox's Toons have gone through several serieses as well. But you still see even the earliest ones around. I think the Koshini/Ichiro/Kiki generation was the first, but I could be wrong. Then there was Krystal and Kyle. Kyle iirc was actually a Redspark figure built to partner Krystal (as was Micah for H3, Ichiro may have been as well, but I'm not sure). I do recall that rather a lot of the clothing for Koshini was reissued in Krystal versions.
And then she went on to Cookie and Chip -- who were *enormously* popular. Particularly in Poser. Their spin-offs were Peaches and Pickles. Most of the groups had some additional characters added to the cast list. Usually a child character.
As well as offshoots like the Plushies, and the Gumdrops series. Unlike 3DL, she doesn't do a lot of animals. But there have been some.
She just did the Plushies 2.0 and Precious lines of animals. Both were super cute!
Here is my continued morphing/testing of Posey
(oh and those are Melody ears, and a Cookie critter tail...both Littlefox
+1 singing Littlefoxes praises, also her topology is real good and always has been. I've been converting and dforcing some of her stuff going back to some a3 products and they look fantastic
I need to set up better dforce maps on the sleeves tho
*fwiw I dont actually use the transfer utility to transfer clothes like this I scale and pose them and then manually morph them in blender reimport them as objects and then use the transfer utility, more effort but no weird cracks etc in skirts
Oh yeah. That's a great set. I found that the ballet shoes from her later V4 set autofitted perfectly to G1. I was amazed. Don't know how they'd do with G8.
@3DOutlaw Your renders are so cute! :D Posey is great for anime characters! I think Briar Bramble and Bean as well! I'm looking forward to rendering them.
*blushes* I'm so glad you're enjoying them!!! Dang those are some fun renders! and posey in the ballerina, that is awesome!