the Store is demonically possessed ...again

Hey guys,
What's going on? This is like the 4th time the store suddenly decides it doesn't like the sale prices and starts randomly assigning " new" prices in my cart ( never cheaper, strangely enough : 0 ) Not sure what's going on, but this is actually starting to get to be a bit of a drag. I can't load the cart with the sales items because there is no way to actually see what the price limits are. Once I load the cart, I have no idea what the " actual" price is, so I'm waiting for you to fix it, in order to buy it. it's a waste of my time. I don't normally complain ( although that's going to change with the whole Mac OS Catalina fiasco) but clearly this is an issue that's happening on an ongoing basis. Could you please fix this... like permanently? It's YOUR Point of Sales ...kinda a baseline isssue for continued prosperity and growth
Somtimes it happens, just leave the shopping cart and come back a few minutes later. Generally it's temporary.
I think it's a problem with the Cloudflare cache, it's probably out of control of DAZ.
Screenshot your cart, customer service will always make it right. A lot of this is not DAZ's fault, nor is it in their control, The Internet is a convoluted series of computers and databases and servers and there's plenty of opportunity for wonkyness. I'm never shy to blame DAZ for an issue that IS their problem, but this likely is not. As Noah LGP said, I too would recommend refreshing the browser, also just waiting a bit if it persists, or even try a different browser.