ISO: M4 African-American Texture

I am having difficulty finding a product, im pretty sure i own, but cant seem to locate. Its an African American texture for M4 and the promo shows his head and his hands like he's praying (and im pretty sure he had a ring on his finger). Ive done numerous searches in the store using various keywords and nothing is coming up. Can anyone assist?
Post edited by MJ007 on
I actually thought it was one of the M4 Elite textures, but none of the promos match the one i recall. So unless they changed the promo for Rob from what i recall to what it is, its not Rob. Im certain its none of the others. But thanks for the assist.
I think you might mean Trey - an old Morris product, now no longer in the store.
THANK YOU!!!! That is the one!
Unfortunately, I dont own it. I was certain i got for $1.99. CRAP!!!
I checked my orders, it was on sale for $1.99 on April 21, 2013. It's still in our Product Library too if one had purchased it.
Yeah, i guess i changed my mind on it for some dumb reason.
Very technically, if you want what is more or less the same texture, it's available on Derek for Freak 5:
The color tone of the texture has been shifted, but it's pretty clearly the same one when you look at the base textures. However, it uses the Freak 5 UV, which is somewhat different from the base Genesis/Michael 4 UV, so you might need to do a map transfer to use it with, for example, the Legacy UV products for G3/G8 -- those don't know what F5 UV is.
Ive already found another texture i have to use (Tyson for M4). Not quite the same appeal as the Trey one, but i have it on hand.
Thanks for the suggestion tho.