Is there a way to delete individual proxy objects? (Ultra Scenery)

I use ultra scenery quite a bit and there are proxy trees. I am able to select most geometry with the geometry editor and delete part of an object or scene

but these proxy trees won't let me select them.

Is there a way to select these proxy items and delete them individually?

Thanks in advance. 


  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    The only thing I know is to use InstaEdit to convert them to individual then you can.  

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,374

    I have InstaEdit, I willt try that, this is a great tip! Thanks Davintaki!

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,464

    Are you wanting to delete the proxy trees, or the "real" instanced trees they represent? Deleting just the proxies won't (I think) remove the trees from the render, if that's what you want to do.

  • kervalakervala Posts: 186

    You can always use a mask in UltraScenery to not generate trees in some areas :)

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