Scripted 3Delight Outline

kwanniekwannie Posts: 870

Just discovered this amazing DAZ feature where if you select outline in Scripted 3Delight options you can save an image series of just the outline of characters in your scene. The problem is that it saves the outline images ib Tif format. Does anybody have any idea which open source program could open a TIF image sequence and save it as an AVI? Also does anyone know if there is a way to change the backgroud color of the save outline file. The color of the outline can be changed but I can't seem to change the background color. Thanks


  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Most video editors can make an image sequence into a video.  Do they have to be "open source" or just free?

  • kwanniekwannie Posts: 870

    Hey Sevrin, most can open image sequence if they are in png or jpg format but video dub for one has a problem with tif format. For some reason tif is the only format that scripted 3Delight can save outline in. I tried to convert the image sequence into png but when I opened it in video dub all I got was a completely black frame.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    VSDC can import TIFF files, and it's free, but it's not "open source".  Can't Blender import TIFF files into the video editor?  It does just about everything else.

  • kwanniekwannie Posts: 870

    When I import the tif sequence into blender I get the outline without a background (looks like an alpha channel overlay) I can still see the black outline of the character though, but when I save as an avi al I get is an avi of a black square. In other words the all the frames in the avi are completely black. If I change the color of the outline in DAZ I can see the outline when I save to an avi against the black background, But I am trying to get a black outline against a white or light colored background.

  • kwanniekwannie Posts: 870

    Sevrin I tried VSDC, and I import all of the tif files into the scene on one layer and I see the hierchy of image files in the objects explorer window, but once again the images are just completely black.

  • kwanniekwannie Posts: 870

    I just found that Virtual Dub 2 can import tiff image sequences but once again when I import the sequence every frame is completely black. The stange thing is that I can open a single image in MSPaint and it opens the image with the outline depiction very clear. I am wondering if the output of the scripted 3Delight outline is an overlay only or something like that. Does anybody have a clue?

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    The outliner probably doesn't honor/render the DS background, which gets rid of the alpha issue in normal renders - but maybe try that (add a background in the 'environment' tab) and see. (?)

    But I would think most video editors - even those that don't really do compositing, would let you overlay your tiff sequence w alpha over a white or image underlayer/track. I think VirtualDub w/ avisynth script could do this too - you mentioned that up above, right?

    (maybe I'm not understanding your issue/effect, but it seemed worth mention)


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